The distance between successive vehicles moving in the same line measured from head at any instance is-

Question-Answer The distance between successive vehicles moving in the same line measured from head at any instance is (a) the space headway (b) the time headway (c) the one-way stream (d) the head-way stream Show Answer (A) The roads which are provided with a hard pavement course having at least a water bound macadam (WBM) layer are classified as (a) Paved roads (b) Unpaved roads (c) Surface roads (d) Unsurfaced roads Show Answer (A) The planning surveys about engineering studies consists of (a) Income per capita (b) Living standard (c) Traffic volume (d) Road location and alignment studies Show Answer (D) A cipolletti weir has length of 2.0 m and head over the weir is 1 m. What is the discharge over the weir? (Take C d = 0.62) (a) 10.35 m3/s (b) 3.66 m3/s (c) 45.21 m3/s (d) 75.68 m3/s Show Answer (B) Q = 2 /3 C d (2g) 1/2 H 3\2 Which on...