Table of Contents

Basic Definitions and Simple Tests on Soil Mechanics

Basic Definitions and Simple Tests on Soil Mechanics Introduction This page discuss some of the basic definitions and simple tests used thr...

Basic Definitions and Simple Tests on Soil Mechanics


This page discuss some of the basic definitions and simple tests used throughout the subject.

  • The phase diagram is a simple, diagrammatic representation of a real soil.
  • The phase diagram is also known as block diagram.
  • A soil mass consists of solid particles, water and air, which are segregated and placed separately, known as three-phase system.
  • A three-phase system becomes a two-phase system when the soil is absolutely dry (solids + air) or when the soil is fully saturated (solids + water).
  • In phase diagram, volumes are represented on the left side, whereas weights are represented on the right side.

Volumetric Relationships

In total, there are fi ve volumetric relationships. These are as follows:

1. Void ratio (e):

  • It is defi ned as the ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids.
  • Range: e > 0
  • e = Vv/Vs
  • For some soils, it may have a value even greater than unity.
  • The void ratio of coarse grained soils is, generally, smaller than that of a fi ne-grained soil.

2. Porosity (n):

  • It is defined as the ratio of volume of voids to the total volume.
  • n Vv/V
  • Range: 0 < n < 1
  • Also called ‘percentage voids’.
  • Both porosity and void ratio are the measure of the degree of denseness (or looseness) of soil. Relationship between n and e:
  • e = n /(n-1)
  • n = e /(e+1)

3. Degree of saturation (Sr ):

  • It is defined as the ratio of volume of water to the volume of voids, in soil.
  • It is expressed as a percentage.
  • Sr = Vw/Vv
  • Range: 0 ≤ S ≤ 100%
  • For dry soil, V w = 0 ⇒ S = 0
  • For saturated soil, V w = V v ⇒ S = 100%

4. Percentage air voids (na ):

  • It is defined as the ratio of volume of air to total volume, of soil.
  • na=Va/V
  • Range: 0 ≤ n a ≤ n

5. Air content (ac ):

  • It is defined as the ratio of volume of air to the volume of voids, in soil.
  • ac=Va/Vv
  • Range: 0 ≤ a c ≤ 100%
  • For dry soil, V a = V v ⇒ a c = 100%
  • For saturated soil, V a = 0 ⇒ a c = 0
  • Relationships between a c , n a , n and s:
  • ac + S =1
  • na= n*ac
Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy Soil Structure Geometric arrangement of soil particles with respect to one another is known as soil str...

Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

Soil Structure

  • Geometric arrangement of soil particles with respect to one another is known as soil structure.
  • Depending upon the particle size and mode of formation, the following types are found.

Single Grained Structure

  • Found in coarse grained soils, like gravel, sand.
  • The major cause for formation is gravitational force. Here the surface forces are negligible.
  • Under the influence of gravitational forces, the grains will assume a particle to particle contact referred to as single grained structure.

Single grained structure may be loose or dense as shown below.

  • (a) Loosest state
  • (b) Densest state
Single Grained Structure

Honey-comb Structure

  • It is possible for fine sands or silts.
  • Both gravitational force and surface force are responsible.
  • Such a structure can support loads, only under static conditions.
  • Under vibrations and shocks, the structure collapses and large deformations take place.
Honey-comb Structure

Flocculated Structure

  • This structure occurs in clays.
  • Clay particles have a negative charge on surface and a positive charge on edges and flocculated structure occurs when there is an edge-to-face orientation.
  • A flocculated structure is formed when there is a net attractive force between the particles.
  • Soils with flocculent structure have a high void ratio and water content and, also have a low compressibility, a high permeability and high shear strength.

Flocculated Structure

Dispersed Structure

  • A dispersed develops in clays that have been reworked or remolded.
  • Remoulding converts ‘edge-to-face’ orientation to ‘face- to-face’ orientation.
  • Dispersed structure is formed when there is a net repulsive force between particles.
  • Have low shear strength, high compressibility and low permeability.

Dispersed Structure

Composite Structure

  • A composite structure in the form of coarse grained skeleton or clay-matrix is formed when soil contains different types of soil particle
Composite Structure

Clay Mineralogy

  • Important clay minerals kaolinite, Illite, montmorillonite and halloysite, are present in clays.
  • In coarse grained soils, like gravel, sand, rock minerals like quartz, feldspar, mica, etc., are present.

Kaolinite Mineral

  • One molecule of kaolinite mineral is made of one silica sheet and one gibbsite sheet.
  • Various such molecules are joined by hydrogen bonds.
  • These show less change in volume due to changes in moisture content.
  • Kaolinite is thus the least active of clay minerals.
  • Example: China clay

Illite Mineral

  • One molecule of Illite is made of two silica sheets and one gibbsite sheet, but in silica sheet, silicon atom is replaced by aluminum atom.
  • Various such molecules are joined together by ionic bond (potassium ion).
  • These shows medium swelling and shrinkage properties.
  • Example: Alluvial soil.

Montmorillonite Mineral (Also Called ‘Smectite’)

  • One molecule of montmorrilonite mineral is made of two silica sheets and one gibbsite sheet.
  • Gibbsite sheet is sandwiched between silica sheets.
  • Various such molecules are loosely bonded through water.
  • These soils show high volume changes on moisture variation (i.e., large swelling and large shrinkage).
  • Example: Black cotton soils, bentonite soil.

Diffuse Double Layer and Adsorbed Water

  • Clay particles usually carry a negative charge on their surface.
  • Because of net negative charge on the surface, the clay particles attract cations, such as potassium, calcium and sodium, from the moisture present in the soil to reach equilibrium.
  • The layer extending from the clay particle surface to the limit of attraction is known as a diffuse double layer.
  • The water held in the zone of the diffuse double layer is known as adsorbed water or oriented water.
  • The plasticity characteristics of clay are due to the presence of adsorbed water.
  • Clays using non-polar liquid, such as kerosene in place of water, does not show any plasticity characteristics.
  • The thickness of adsorbed water layer is about 10–15 A°for colloids, but may be up to 200 A° for silts.

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 Soil Mechanics Geo-technical Engineering Table of content Chapter 1  Origin of Soils and Clay Mineralogy Introduction ...

 Soil Mechanics Geo-technical


Table of content

  • Introduction
  • Volumetric relationships
  • Weight relationships
  • Volume-weight relationships
  • Specific gravity of solids (G)
  • Mass specific gravity or apparent specific gravity (Gm )
  • Important relationships
  • Simple tests
Chapter 3  Index Properties and Soil Classification
  • Introduction
  • Index properties of soils
  • Atterberg limits (or consistency limits)
  • Soil classification
Chapter 4  Permeability
  • Introduction
  • Hydraulic head (h)
  • Darcy’s law
  • Seepage velocity (vs)
  • Coefficient of absolute permeability (k )
  • General expression for coefficient of permeability of soil
  • Factors affecting permeability of soils
  • Determination of coefficient of permeability
Chapter 5  Effective Stress and Seepage Pressure
  • Introduction
  • Definitions
  • Importance of effective stress
  • Effect of water table fluctuations on effective stress
  • Capillary water
  • Frost heave
  • Frost boil
  • Seepage pressure (P s )
  • Quick Sand Condition
  • Piping
  • Prevention of piping failure
  • Factor of safety against piping or quick sand
Chapter 6  Seepage Analysis, Stress Distribution and Compaction
  • Introduction
  • Seepage analysis
  • Characteristic of flow net
  • Uses of flow net
  • Flow Net in an-isotropic soils
  • Flow net in a non-homogeneous soil mass
  • Flow net in a non-homogeneous soil
  • Flow net in earth dams
  • Stresses due to applied loads
  • Compaction optimum wet and dry

Chapter 7  Consolidation
  • Introduction
  • Compressibility
  • Consolidation
  • Compaction
  • Stages of consolidation
  • Terzaghi’s spring analogy for primary consolidation
  • Basic definitions
  • Consolidation settlement (Sf )
  • Consolidation of undisturbed specimen
  • Over-consolidation ratio (OCR)
  • Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation
  • Differential equation of consolidation
  • Degree of consolidation (U)
  • Isochrones
  • Determination of coefficient of consolidation
  • Consolidation test
  • Determination of void ratio at load increment
  • Immediate settlement (Si )
Chapter 8  Shear Strength
  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • Important points on mohr’s circle
  • Strength theories for soils
  • Coulomb envelopes for pure sand and for pure clay
  • Types of shear tests based on drainage conditions
  • Laboratory tests 
  • Field tests
  • Sensitivity of Soil
  • Pore pressure parameters
  • Liquefaction of sands
Chapter 9  Earth Pressure Theories
  • Introduction
  • Definition of lateral earth pressure
  • Types of lateral earth pressure
  • Rankine’s earth pressure theory
  • Coulomb’s wedge theory
  • Rehbann’s method
Chapter 10 Stability of Slopes
  • Introduction
  • Types of slopes
  • Type of slope failure
  • Different definitions of factor of safety (F s )
  • Stability of an infinite slope of cohesion-less soils
  • Stability analysis of an infinite slope of cohesive soils
  • Finite slopes
  • Swedish circle method or method of slices
  • Location of most critical circle
  • Effective stress analysis
  • Bishop’s method
  • Friction circle method
  • Taylor’s method
Chapter 11 Bearing Capacity
  • Introduction
  • Types of foundation
  • Definitions
  • Criteria for determination of bearing capacity
  • Factors affecting bearing capacity
  • Compensated raft or floating raft
  • Methods of determination of bearing capacity
  • Types of shear failure
  • Effect of water table on bearing capacity
  • Meyerhaf’s bearing capacity theory
  • Skempton’s analysis for cohesive soils
  • Settlement analysis
  • Plate load test
Chapter 12 Pile Foundation
  • Introduction
  • Necessity of pile foundations
  • Classification of piles
  • Pile driving
  • Load carrying capacity of piles
  • Negative skin friction
  • Dynamic formulae
  • Pile load test
  • Group action of piles
  • Efficiency of pile group ( h g )
  • Group capacity of piles (Q g )
  • Under reamed piles in clay
Chapter 13 Soil Exploration
  • Introduction
  • Objectives of soil exploration
  • Methods of soil exploration
  • Types of soil samples
  • Corrections for standard penetration number
  • Cone penetration tests
  • Static cone penetration test
  • Dynamic cone test
  • In-situ tests using a pressure meter
  • Geophysical methods
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Qualities of Good Timber Following are the characteristics or qualities of a good timber: 1. Appearance quality of Good Timber:  A freshly c...

Qualities of Good Timber

Following are the characteristics or qualities of a good timber:

1. Appearance quality of Good Timber: 

  • A freshly cut surface of timber should exhibit hard and shining appearance.

2. Colour quality of Good Timber : 

  • The colour of timber should preferably be dark. The light colour usually indicates timber with low strength.

3. Defects quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be free from serious defects, e.g., dead knots, fl aws, shakes, etc.

4. Durability quality of Good Timber:

  • A good timber should be durable. It should be capable of resisting the actions of fungi insects, chemicals, physical agencies and mechanical agencies.

5. Elasticity quality of Good Timber

  • This is the property by which timber returns to its original shape when load causing its deformation is removed. This is a sought after property of timber when it is used for making bow, carriage shafts, sport goods, etc.

6. Fibres quality of Good Timber

  • The timber should have straight fibres.

7. Fire resistance quality of Good Timber

  • The timber is a bad conductor of heat. A dense wood off ers good resistance to the fire and it requires sufficient heat to cause a flame.

8. Hardness quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be hard, i.e., it should off er resistance when penetrated by another body.

9. Mechanical wear quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should not deteriorate easily due to mechanical wear or abrasion.

10. Shape quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be capable of retaining its shape during conversion or seasoning. It should not bow or warp or split.

11. Smell quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should have sweet smell. An unpleasant smell indicates a decayed timber.

12. Sound quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should give out a clear ringing sound when struck. A dull heavy sound, when struck, indicates a decayed timber. 
  • The velocity of sound in wood varies between 2–17 times greater than that in air and hence, the wood may be considered high in sound transmission.

13. Strength quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be strong for working as structural member, such as joist, beam, rafter, etc.

14. Structure quality of Good Timber

  • It should be uniform. The fibres should be firmly added. 
  • The medullary rays should be hard and compact.

15. Toughness quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be tough, 
  • i.e., it should be capable of offering resistance to the shocks caused due to vibrations.

16. Water permeability quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should have low water permeability which is measured by the quantity of water filtered through a unit surface area of specimen of wood.

17. Weathering effects quality of Good Timber

  • A good timber should be able to reasonably withstand the weathering effects. 
  • When timber is exposed to weather, its colour normally fades and slowly turns grey.
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Differences between Natural Seasoning and Artificial Seasoning Natural Seasoning  It is difficult to reduce the moisture content below 15–1...

Differences between Natural Seasoning and Artificial Seasoning

Natural Seasoning 

  • It is difficult to reduce the moisture content below 15–18%
  • It is simple and economical.
  • It is more liable to attack of insects and fungi.
  • It requires more space for stacking.
  • It is a slow process.
  • It gives stronger timber.

Artificial Seasoning

  • The moisture content can be reduced to any desired level.
  • It gives weaker timber.
  • It is a quick process.
  • It requires less space for stacking.
  • It is less liable to attack of fungi.
  • It is expensive and highly technical.

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 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Concrete and Its Constituents Cement Aggregates Admixtures Concrete Chapter 2: Steel  Int...
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Civil Engineering Subjects list Click on following topics and get all topics and chapters in one places Building Materials ...

Civil Engineering Subjects list

Click on following topics and get all topics and chapters in one places
Fluid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Soil Mechanics
Water Resource Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Structure Analysis
Structural Engineering Design
Transportation Engineering
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Cseb JE/AE civil Engineering Question Paper 2018: CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL Recruitment 2021 - Previous Year Papers Download CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL Pre...

Cseb JE/AE civil Engineering Question Paper 2018:

CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL Recruitment 2021 - Previous Year Papers

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  • Chhattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited takes the responsibility of selecting candidates for the post of Junior Engineer. The candidates who have completed their education and are ready with the eligibility criteria will be able to apply for the CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL. 
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Get Complete Details Of CSPHCL JE Recruitment 2021 @

Name Of The Organisation Chhattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited
Post Name JUNIOR Engineer (Electrical, Mechanical, Civil)
Total No Of CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Vacancies 28 Posts only for CIVIL engineering
CSPHCL Application Mode Online
Starting Date To Apply Online For CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Recruitment 2021 29-09-2021
Last Date To Fill Online For CSPHCL JE Vacancies 2021 18-10-2021
CSPHCL JUnior Engineer Exam Date 2021 5 to 14 january 2022
CSPHCLJE Selection Process Computer-based Test only
CSPHCL JE Job Location Chattisgarh
Category Previous Papers
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In the above tabular form, we provide detailed information on CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Vacancies 2021. Individuals

CSPHCL JE/AE Previous Year Papers FAQs

Do we only need to practice from the CSPHCL JE/AE previous year papers for the exam?

  • Likewise, if you practice you will surely crack job in CSPHCL Junior Engineer Exam 2021. Also, practice CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Previous Papers as soon as completion of the application process.

What are the topics included in the CSPHCL JE/AE exam syllabus?

  • All topic related to civill engineering subjects asked in other exams.

From where do we download the CSPHCL JE/AE previous year papers?

What is the CSPHCL JE/AE exam pattern

Exam Type Parts Total Subjects Number Of Questions Time Duration
Multiple Choice Test Part I Professional Subjects 80 2 Hours
Part II General Awareness & Reasoning 20
Total 100 Q
  • CSPHCL JE Exam is Multiple Choice Based Test

 Similarly, you can download CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Syllabus and CSPHCL Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern 2020-21 for free cost.

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