
Showing posts from January, 2022

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Basic Definitions and Simple Tests on Soil Mechanics

Basic Definitions and Simple Tests on Soil Mechanics Introduction This page discuss some of the basic definitions and simple tests used throughout the subject. The phase diagram is a simple, diagrammatic representation of a real soil. The phase diagram is also known as block diagram. A soil mass consists of solid particles, water and air, which are segregated and placed separately, known as three-phase system. A three-phase system becomes a two-phase system when the soil is absolutely dry (solids + air) or when the soil is fully saturated (solids + water). In phase diagram, volumes are represented on the left side, whereas weights are represented on the right side. Volumetric Relationships In total, there are fi ve volumetric relationships. These are as follows: 1. Void ratio (e): It is defi ned as the ratio of volume of voids to volume of solids. Range: e > 0 e = Vv/Vs For some soils, it may have a value even greater than unity. The void ratio of coarse grained soils...

Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy

Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy Soil Structure Geometric arrangement of soil particles with respect to one another is known as soil structure. Depending upon the particle size and mode of formation, the following types are found. Single Grained Structure Found in coarse grained soils, like gravel, sand. The major cause for formation is gravitational force. Here the surface forces are negligible. Under the influence of gravitational forces, the grains will assume a particle to particle contact referred to as single grained structure. Single grained structure may be loose or dense as shown below. (a) Loosest state (b) Densest state Honey-comb Structure It is possible for fine sands or silts. Both gravitational force and surface force are responsible. Such a structure can support loads, only under static conditions. Under vibrations and shocks, the structure collapses and large deformations take place. Flocculated Structure This structure occurs in clays. Clay particles h...

Soil Mechanics - Study all topics

 Soil Mechanics Geo-technical Engineering Table of content Chapter 1  Origin of Soils and Clay Mineralogy Introduction Soil formation and soil types Types of soil Commonly used soil designation Soil structure and clay mineralogy Soil structure Single Grained Structure Honey-comb Structure Flocculated Structure Dispersed Structure Composite Structure Clay Mineralogy Kaolinite Mineral   other IMP link Illite Mineral Montmorillonite Mineral or Smectite Diffuse Double Layered Adsorbed Water Chapter 2  Basic Definitions and Simple Tests Introduction Volumetric relationships Weight relationships Volume-weight relationships Specific gravity of solids (G) Mass specific gravity or apparent specific gravity (Gm ) Important relationships Simple tests Chapter 3  Index Properties and Soil Classification Introduction Index properties of soils Atterberg limits (or consistency...

Qualities of Good Timber - Building Material - Civil Engineering

Qualities of Good Timber Following are the characteristics or qualities of a good timber: 1. Appearance quality of Good Timber:  A freshly cut surface of timber should exhibit hard and shining appearance. 2. Colour quality of Good Timber  :  The colour of timber should preferably be dark. The light colour usually indicates timber with low strength. 3. Defects   quality of Good Timber :  A good timber should be free from serious defects, e.g., dead knots, fl aws, shakes, etc. 4. Durability   quality of Good Timber : A good timber should be durable. It should be capable of resisting the actions of fungi insects, chemicals, physical agencies and mechanical agencies. 5. Elasticity   quality of Good Timber :  This is the property by which timber returns to its original shape when load causing its deformation is removed. This is a sought after property of timber when it is used for making bow, carriage shafts, sport goods, etc. 6. Fibres   quality ...

Natural Seasoning and Artificial Seasoning of Timber

Differences between Natural Seasoning and Artificial Seasoning Natural Seasoning  It is difficult to reduce the moisture content below 15–18% It is simple and economical. It is more liable to attack of insects and fungi. It requires more space for stacking. It is a slow process. It gives stronger timber. Artificial Seasoning The moisture content can be reduced to any desired level. It gives weaker timber. It is a quick process. It requires less space for stacking. It is less liable to attack of fungi. It is expensive and highly technical.

Building Materials - All content topic oriented

 Table of Contents Chapter 1: Concrete and Its Constituents Cement Aggregates Admixtures Concrete Chapter 2: Steel  Introduction Structural steel and metal Uses of steel Properties: Mild steel vs hard steel Defects in steel Steel manufacturing processes Mechanical treatment of steel Market form of steel and irons Different form of irons Chapter 3: Bricks and Mortar  Bricks   Mortar and Limes Masonry and Tunnels Chapter 4: Timber  Timber Structure of a tree Processing of timber Difference b/w natural and artificial seasoning Seasoning and preservation of timber Defects in timber Qualities of good timber MCQ for Timber - 1 , 2 ; Quick revision of timber Chapter 5: Bitumen    Introduction Chapter 6: Paint Introduction MCQ - 1 2 3 4 5  Chapter 7: Stones and Glasses Stones Glasses

Civil Engineering Subjects

Civil Engineering Subjects list Click on following topics and get all topics and chapters in one places Building Materials Fluid Mechanics Solid Mechanics Soil Mechanics Irrigation Water Resource Engineering Environmental Engineering Structure Analysis Structural Engineering Design Transportation Engineering Surveying somes sites and links are under development Sorry for Inconvenience Please visit other site for Other topics


Cseb JE/AE civil Engineering Question Paper 2018: CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL Recruitment 2021 - Previous Year Papers Download CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL Previous Year Papers PDFs for Free Here! Chhattisgarh State Power Holding Company Limited takes the responsibility of selecting candidates for the post of Junior Engineer. The candidates who have completed their education and are ready with the eligibility criteria will be able to apply for the CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL.  The candidates will be selected for the CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL exam on the basis of their performance in the Computer-based test and document verification. The aspirants of the CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL exam must have started their preparations and if not then do not worry.  We have provided a few CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL previous year papers for the candidates. The CSPHCL JE/AE CIVIL previous year papers will be helpful to the candidates as they get various different questions to practice and get an idea of the type of questions asked in the CSPHC...
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