Soil Mechanics - Study all topics
Soil Mechanics Geo-technical
Table of content
Chapter 1 Origin of Soils and Clay Mineralogy
- Introduction
- Soil formation and soil types
- Types of soil
- Commonly used soil designation
- Soil structure and clay mineralogy
Chapter 2 Basic Definitions and Simple Tests
- Introduction
- Volumetric relationships
- Weight relationships
- Volume-weight relationships
- Specific gravity of solids (G)
- Mass specific gravity or apparent specific gravity (Gm )
- Important relationships
- Simple tests
Chapter 3 Index Properties and Soil Classification
- Introduction
- Index properties of soils
- Atterberg limits (or consistency limits)
- Soil classification
Chapter 4 Permeability
- Introduction
- Hydraulic head (h)
- Darcy’s law
- Seepage velocity (vs)
- Coefficient of absolute permeability (k )
- General expression for coefficient of permeability of soil
- Factors affecting permeability of soils
- Determination of coefficient of permeability
Chapter 5 Effective Stress and Seepage Pressure
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Importance of effective stress
- Effect of water table fluctuations on effective stress
- Capillary water
- Frost heave
- Frost boil
- Seepage pressure (P s )
- Quick Sand Condition
- Piping
- Prevention of piping failure
- Factor of safety against piping or quick sand
Chapter 6 Seepage Analysis, Stress Distribution and Compaction
- Introduction
- Seepage analysis
- Characteristic of flow net
- Uses of flow net
- Flow Net in an-isotropic soils
- Flow net in a non-homogeneous soil mass
- Flow net in a non-homogeneous soil
- Flow net in earth dams
- Stresses due to applied loads
- Compaction optimum wet and dry
Chapter 7 Consolidation
- Introduction
- Compressibility
- Consolidation
- Compaction
- Stages of consolidation
- Terzaghi’s spring analogy for primary consolidation
- Basic definitions
- Consolidation settlement (Sf )
- Consolidation of undisturbed specimen
- Over-consolidation ratio (OCR)
- Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation
- Differential equation of consolidation
- Degree of consolidation (U)
- Isochrones
- Determination of coefficient of consolidation
- Consolidation test
- Determination of void ratio at load increment
- Immediate settlement (Si )
Chapter 8 Shear Strength
- Introduction
- Definition
- Important points on mohr’s circle
- Strength theories for soils
- Coulomb envelopes for pure sand and for pure clay
- Types of shear tests based on drainage conditions
- Laboratory tests
- Field tests
- Sensitivity of Soil
- Pore pressure parameters
- Liquefaction of sands
Chapter 9 Earth Pressure Theories
- Introduction
- Definition of lateral earth pressure
- Types of lateral earth pressure
- Rankine’s earth pressure theory
- Coulomb’s wedge theory
- Rehbann’s method
Chapter 10 Stability of Slopes
- Introduction
- Types of slopes
- Type of slope failure
- Different definitions of factor of safety (F s )
- Stability of an infinite slope of cohesion-less soils
- Stability analysis of an infinite slope of cohesive soils
- Finite slopes
- Swedish circle method or method of slices
- Location of most critical circle
- Effective stress analysis
- Bishop’s method
- Friction circle method
- Taylor’s method
Chapter 11 Bearing Capacity
- Introduction
- Types of foundation
- Definitions
- Criteria for determination of bearing capacity
- Factors affecting bearing capacity
- Compensated raft or floating raft
- Methods of determination of bearing capacity
- Types of shear failure
- Effect of water table on bearing capacity
- Meyerhaf’s bearing capacity theory
- Skempton’s analysis for cohesive soils
- Settlement analysis
- Plate load test
Chapter 12 Pile Foundation
- Introduction
- Necessity of pile foundations
- Classification of piles
- Pile driving
- Load carrying capacity of piles
- Negative skin friction
- Dynamic formulae
- Pile load test
- Group action of piles
- Efficiency of pile group ( h g )
- Group capacity of piles (Q g )
- Under reamed piles in clay
Chapter 13 Soil Exploration
- Introduction
- Objectives of soil exploration
- Methods of soil exploration
- Types of soil samples
- Corrections for standard penetration number
- Cone penetration tests
- Static cone penetration test
- Dynamic cone test
- In-situ tests using a pressure meter
- Geophysical methods
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