Slope deflection method - Structure Analysis for Civil engineering design

Slope Deflection Method - To analysis of Structures Slope Deflection Method is useful to analyse indeterminate structures. Intdeterminate strutures like continuous beams and plane frames. The unknowns in slope deflection method are degree of freedom i.e. slope and deflection. Combinedly these slope and deflections are known as displacements. Thus slope-deflection method is a displacement method. It is classical method on whick moment distribution method, kani's method and stiffness matrix method are based. Slope Deflection Method - force method or displacement method It is Displacement method. Assumptions in Slope Deflection Method - Structure analysis Analysis of a beam and frame means determination of moment and shear force throughout the length of the member i.e. determination of BMD and SFD for the member. BMD and SFD for a member of structure can be drawn if we know the internal end moments of a member Thus, in slope deflection method we establish a relationship b...