Table of Contents

List of Surveying Tools and Instruments

List of tools and Instruments used in Surveying works

Compass used in Surveying

Surveyor Compass

Trough Compass -  

  • The compass used with a plane table is a trough compass in which the longer sides of the trough are parallel and flat so that either side can be used as a ruler or lid down to coincide with a straight line drawn on the paper. A trough compass is used for orienting the plane table to the magnetic north.

Plane Table - Necessary for Plane Table Surveying

  • Traverse table = 750mm * 600mm
  • Johnson table = 600mm * 450mm - this table is quick and accurate for leveling
  • Coast Survey table
  • Accuravy = coast > Jonhson > Traverse

Alidade - 

  • It is Straight edge roller Provided with Sighting Device

Plain alidade

Telescope alidade - 

  • used in hilly area and inclined sighting

Trough compass - 

  • Used to mark the North direction

Plumbing fork or U- fork - 

  • used for Centering on plane table and transferring the ground point

Bubble tube - 

  • used in plane table survey for leveling purpose

Leveling Instruments

levels - provide horizontal line of sight

Dumpy Level -

  • It is designed by gravatt
  • Dumpy level is preferred for its rigidity, compactness and stability.
  • In a dumpy level telescope can not rotate vertically and can not be remove from support

Wye lever or Y-lever

  • telescope is held in a two vertical Y-support with a curved clip
  • Telescope can be rotate vertically

Reversible Level

  • In a reversible level combine feature of dumpy level and Wye level

Tilting Level

  • Line of sight can be tilted about its horizontal axis without tilting vertical axis
  • with the help of tilting screw

Auto Level -

  • Instruments is leveled automatically within a certain tilt in the line of sight by means of self compensator device

Accuracy -

Auto-Level > Tilting level > Reversible level > Wye level > Dumpy level

Leveling Staff [staff is -1779]

Self reading staff

  • reading appear to be inverted taken above from downward
  • least count - 5mm - .01ft

1.Solid staff - 

  • it is a one piece flat rod available at a 2m to 3m

2.Telescope staff -

  • available length up-to 5m
  • staff one piece can be slide in other S.O.P. with pattern

3.Hinged Staff / Folding Staff

  • It us taken as Standard staff
  • Bubble tube is provided for checking the verticle of staff at a center of two piece

Target Staff

  • It is used in Tacheometry
  • In a target staff separate vernier are present
  • Least-count is 0.001ft


  • generally use - Keplar's Telescope


  • It is universal instrument used for measuring Horizontal angle and verticle angle
  • It is used for measuring Horizontal distance (indirect) and Vertical Distance,Magnetic Bearing, Deflection,Prolonging line, Direct angle,Horizontal angle and Vertical angle
Types of Theodolite
  • Transit Theodolite

  • Non transit theodolite

Types of Theodolite

Vernier theodolite

Optical theodolite

Digital theodolite

Laser theodolite

Stadia rod - Stadia rod is used in tacheometer for long distance

Direct vernier - Its n division on vernier scale denotes (n-1) division of main scale

Retrograde vernier its n division of vernier scale is equal to (n+1) division of main scale

Extended Vernier It's n division on vernier scale is equal to (2n-1)division on main scale

Double vernier - combination of two direct vernier Extended vernier Double vernier 


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