Compass - Surveying tools and Instruments
Compass - Surveying tools and Instruments
Prismatic Compass
- Least count is 30 min
- Graduation provide in only one side i.e Clockwise
- 0 degree are on a south direction
- used to measure whole circle bearing
- Needle is a broad Needle (Not ace as a index)
- Tripod is not compulsory
- Sighting and Reading taking can be done simultaneously
- Prismatic compass with agate cap
- Graduated ring and needle are connected
Surveyor compass
- compass-least count is 15 min
- Graduation provide on both direction i.e. clockwise and anticlockwise
- zero are on a both north and south direction
- used to measure reduce bearing
- Needle is of Narrow Needle.(Act as a Index)
- Tripod is Compulsory
- Sighting and reading can not be done simultaneously
- Box and graduated ring are connected
Trough compass
- It is used in plane table to mark North direction
- In this compass two graduated scale are provided with readings
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