
Showing posts from June, 2021

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OPTIMUM COMPACTION WET & DRY - civil engineering vk

Optimum Compaction Wet and dry  Dry of Optimum Compaction and Wet of Optimum compaction Comparing between and dry and wet of optimum compaction      Properties changes with compaction Dry optimum Wet of Optimum   Structure after compaction  Flocculated (Random)  Dispersed (Oriented) Water deficiency  More   Less Permeability  More,  Isotropic  Less,  Isotropic Compressibility     at low stress  Low  Higher at high stress  High   Lower Swelleability  High  Low Shrinkage  Low  High Stress strain Behavior  Brittle,high peak, Higher elastic modulus  Ductile, No peak, Lower elastic modulus. Strength (undrained) as mould after saturation  High Much lower Construction Pore Water  Pressure Low High

Sensitivity of the Soil related to shear strength in Laboratory test - Civil Engineering Study VK

SENSITIVITY OF SOIL - Soil Mechanics Sensitivity elated to shear strength of soil in Laboratory test     It is defined as the ratio of undisturbed strength to that of the remoulded strength     Sensitivity = Undisturbed Strength / Remoulded Strength Sensitivity of Soil  Sensitivity Nature of Soil  1 Insensitive  1 to 4 Normal  4 to 8 Sensitive  8 to 16  Extra -Sensitive  >16 Quick

TYPES OF TEST ON BRICKS - IS code 3495 - civil engineering study

TYPES OF TEST ON BRICKS - civil engineering study Types of Tests On Bricks IS code 3495  Following tests are conducted on bricks to determine its suitability for construction work. Absorption test Crushing strength test Hardness test Shape and size Color test Soundness test Structure of brick Presence of soluble salts (Efflorescence Test)    WATER Absorption Test on Bricks - 3495 PART 2 Absorption test is conducted on brick to find out the amount of moisture content absorbed by brick under extreme conditions.  Apparatus: Oven,  Weight balance,  Tray PROCEDURE Take any five random bricks from a lot of brick as a specimen. Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 105°C to 115°C till it achieves considerably constant mass. Cool the specimen to room temperature and take its weight (M1). Testing: When the specimen is completely dry, then immerse it in the clean water at the room temperature (27 ±2°C...

What are the properties of high density concrete in dry state?

What are the properties of high density concrete in dry state? High density Concrete 1. High density concrete is those concrete which have best packaging with the presence of finest to coarse particles of substance of concrete which gives best denseness of concrete. 2. It is achieved by using the knowledge of concrete with skills. 3. It is achieved by using of some admixtures or additionally use of special ingredients of concrete 4. For making high density concrete first step is choosing the right materials for it. 5. It requires heavier aggregates with specific gravity of 3.5 to 4.which give 6. Some Natural aggregates used in High dense concrete is Limonite, Haematite, Magnetite,Barite etc. 7. like finest grade of cement.small to higher proportion of fine to coarse aggregate which gives better packaging of concrete and most important part is using of water reducing agent which removes extra part of water some plasticize,skilled labor who knows how to mix it. 8.for mixing or preparatio...


CIVIL ENGINEERING SUBJECTS LIST OF ALL SUBJECTS RELATED TO CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDY We provide list of all the civil engineering subjects which is essentials and without it no one never be a civil engineering.... Students who study or will study in college still reads these following subject. Engineering Mechanics Environmental Engineering Soil Mechanics Concrete Technology Reinforced concrete construction (RCC) Strength of Material (SOM) Structural Steel Engineering Structure Analysis Solid Waste Management Structural Engineering Design Fluid Mechanics Irrigation Engineering Surveying or Survey Engineering Engineering Mathematics  Geo-technical Engineering Applied Physics Engineering Chemistry Elements of Electrical Engineering Engineering Drawing and Planing Building Materials Building Construction Foundation Engineering Construction Management Waste Water Management all the above subjects and its syllabus which is most important related to civil engineering exams and practices ar...
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[abstract]vk [accelerators]vk [admixtrure]vk [Aggregate]vk [agrregate test]vk [aquifer]vk [Batten]vk [beam]vk [Bitumen]vk [Bolt]vk [Booster]vk [Boussinesq theory]vk [Brick]vk [Bricks]vk [Bricks Study]vk [Building Materials]vk [canal]vk [cast]vk [cement]vk [CIVIL ENGINEERING]vk [Civil engineering amazing]vk [Civil engineering amazing projects]vk [class]vk [coat]vk [concrete]vk [Concrete Technology]vk [construction management]vk [Contra-flexure]vk [Cost]vk [Coulombs Theory]vk [Critical Flow]vk [Cseb]vk [csphcl exam previous year papers and admit cards]vk [docks and harbour]vk [elastic]vk [Electrical and Electronics]vk [electronics]vk [Engineer's-Knowledge]vk [ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING]vk [Ese Civil 2023 questions]vk [estimate]vk [Ethics and Moral]vk [Facts-About-Engineering]vk [ferro cement]vk [first]vk [FlOW-NET]vk [FLUID MECHANICS]vk [FOUNDATION]vk [Frog]vk [Geo-technical-engineering]vk [Glass]vk [good]vk [HEART]vk [high]vk [High density concrete]vk [HIGHWAY ENGINEERING]vk [hydration]vk [Hydraulic jump]vk [important notes]vk [Instruments and Tools]vk [Iron]vk [Irrigation]vk [isochrones]vk [Job Updates & Opportunities]vk [lime]vk [Local shear failure]vk [low]vk [management]vk [mason]vk [Masonry]vk [maturity of concrete]vk [MCQ]vk [medium]vk [Mild steel]vk [mortar]vk [Optimum Compaction]vk [paint]vk [pig]vk [Plastering]vk [plastic]vk [Plasticizers]vk [prime]vk [problem]vk [Project Management]vk [properties]vk [Question-Answer]vk [quick lime]vk [Quick Revision]vk [Quick-Revision]vk [Rankine Theory]vk [RCC]vk [Recommended]vk [Reinforced Concrete Construction]vk [resection]vk [retarder]vk [RING]vk [rock]vk [scope]vk [seasoning]vk [second]vk [Self compacted]vk [sensitivity]vk [SHAKES]vk [Shear center]vk [shear strenght]vk [slope deflection method]vk [Soil exploration and Boring]vk [SOIL MECHANICS]vk [Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy]vk [SOM]vk [Stability of Slope]vk [STAR]vk [steel]vk [Steel Engineering]vk [stiffeners]vk [stone]vk [Strength of Material]vk [Structural Steel Design]vk [structure analysis]vk [Subjects]vk [surveying]vk [syphon]vk [tack]vk [temperature]vk [templates]vk [Terzaghi Theory]vk [Test]vk [Tests]vk [third]vk [TILES]vk [timber]vk [tpes]vk [TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING]vk [Tunnel]vk [Types of flow]vk [valuation]vk [value]vk [vee bee]vk [Wall]vk [wastage]vk [Water Supply]vk [Weld]vk [westergaard theory]vk [workability]vk