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TYPES OF TEST ON BRICKS - civil engineering study

Types of Tests On Bricks IS code 3495 

Following tests are conducted on bricks to determine its suitability for construction work.

  • Absorption test
  • Crushing strength test
  • Hardness test
  • Shape and size
  • Color test
  • Soundness test
  • Structure of brick
  • Presence of soluble salts (Efflorescence Test)

 WATER Absorption Test on Bricks - 3495 PART 2

  • Absorption test is conducted on brick to find out the amount of moisture content absorbed by brick under extreme conditions. 


  • Oven, 
  • Weight balance, 
  • Tray


  • Take any five random bricks from a lot of brick as a specimen.
  • Dry the specimen in a ventilated oven at a temperature of 105°C to 115°C till it achieves considerably constant mass.
  • Cool the specimen to room temperature and take its weight (M1).
  • When the specimen is completely dry, then immerse it in the clean water at the room temperature (27 ±2°C) for 24 hours.
  • Remove the specimen from the water after 24 hours and wipe out water with a damp cloth and weigh the specimen.
  • Take the weight (M2) of the specimen after 3 minutes of removing from the water.
  • Points to be Taken Care:
  • When you take M1, If the Specimen is warm while touching, it shall not be used for the test. Test it when you feel it cool.


  • Note down the M1 and M2.
  • Percentage of Water absorption of brick by its mass, after 24-hour immersion in cold water is calculated by the following formula
  • (M2-M1)/M1*100

  • For a good quality brick the amount of water absorption should not exceed 20% of weight of dry brick.
TYPE                         WATER ABSORBTION
FIRST CLASS         < 20%     OR 15% AVERAGE
SECOND CLASS     < 22.5%  OR 20% AVERAGE
THIRD CLASS         < 25%      OR 25% AVERAGE

Crushing Strength or Compressive Strength Test on Bricks - IS 3495 PART 1

  • Place the specimen with flat face s horizontal and mortar filled face facing upwards between plates of the testing machine.
  • Apply load axially at a uniform rate of 14 N/mm2 (140 kg/cm2) per minute till failure occurs and note maximum load at failure.
  • The load at failure is maximum load at which the specimen fails to produce any further increase in the indicator reading on the testing machine.
  •  Compressive Strength of Bricks = Maximum Load at Failure (N)/Average area of bed face (mm2)
  • The average of result shall be reported.
  • Crushing strength of bricks is determined by placing brick in compression testing machine. 
  • After placing the brick in compression testing machine, apply load on it until brick breaks. 
  • Note down the value of failure load and find out the crushing strength value of brick. 
compressive strength
in N/mm2
    first class    
 second class 
 third class 
compressive strength of common bricks should not be used if it is  less than 3.5N/mm2
Bricks Class Designation Average compressive strength of Bricks
Not less than (N/mm2) Less than (N/mm2)
350 35 40
300 30 35
250 25 30
200 20 25
175 17.5 20
150 15 17.5
125 12.5 15
100 10 12.5
75 7.5 10
50 5 7.5
35 3.5 5

Efflorescence Test on Bricks - IS 3495 PART - 3

  • A good quality brick should not contain any soluble salts in it. 
  • If soluble salts are there, then it will cause efflorescence on brick surfaces.
Type area affected
Nill EffloresenceVery Low
>50% + deposit are 
present in powder forms
Heavy Flakes


  • check the bricks for warpage of brick like concave and convex warpage with the help of glass or stell surface

Hardness Test on Bricks

  • A good brick should resist scratches against sharp things. 
  • So, for this test a sharp tool or finger nail is used to make scratch on brick.
  •  If there is no scratch impression on brick then it is said to be hard brick.
for any doubt finger nail means


Shape and Size Test on Bricks (dimension test) - IS 1077

  • Shape and size of bricks are very important consideration. All bricks used for construction should be of same size. The shape of bricks should be purely rectangular with sharp edges.
  • Standard brick size consists length x breadth x height as 19cm x 9cm x 9cm.
  • To perform this test, select 20 bricks randomly from brick group and stack them along its length , breadth and height and compare. 
  • So, if all bricks similar size then they are qualified for construction work.

should not greater than below value

Length -19×20= 380 ± 12 cm
Breadth - 9×20 = 180 ± 6 cm
Height - 9×20 = 180 ± 6 cm

here 20 indicate 20 no of bricks
used in sample


Color Test of Bricks

  • A good brick should possess bright and uniform RED color throughout its body.

Soundness Test of Bricks

  • Soundness test of bricks shows the nature of bricks against sudden impact.
  • In this test, 2 bricks are chosen randomly and struck with one another. 
  • Then sound produced should be clear bell ringing sound and brick should not break. 
  • Then it is said to be good brick.Soundness Test of Bricks

Structure of Bricks

  • To know the structure of brick, pick one brick randomly from the group and break it. 
  • Observe the inner portion of brick clearly. It should be free from lumps and homogeneous.Structure of Bricks

All post Here - script by vk

[abstract]vk [accelerators]vk [admixtrure]vk [Aggregate]vk [agrregate test]vk [aquifer]vk [Batten]vk [beam]vk [Bitumen]vk [Bolt]vk [Booster]vk [Boussinesq theory]vk [Brick]vk [Bricks]vk [Bricks Study]vk [Building Materials]vk [canal]vk [cast]vk [cement]vk [CIVIL ENGINEERING]vk
[abstract]vk [accelerators]vk [admixtrure]vk [Aggregate]vk [agrregate test]vk [aquifer]vk [Batten]vk [beam]vk [Bitumen]vk [Bolt]vk [Booster]vk [Boussinesq theory]vk [Brick]vk [Bricks]vk [Bricks Study]vk [Building Materials]vk [canal]vk [cast]vk [cement]vk [CIVIL ENGINEERING]vk [Civil engineering amazing]vk [Civil engineering amazing projects]vk [class]vk [coat]vk [concrete]vk [Concrete Technology]vk [construction management]vk [Contra-flexure]vk [Cost]vk [Coulombs Theory]vk [Critical Flow]vk [Cseb]vk [csphcl exam previous year papers and admit cards]vk [docks and harbour]vk [elastic]vk [Electrical and Electronics]vk [electronics]vk [Engineer's-Knowledge]vk [ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING]vk [Ese Civil 2023 questions]vk [estimate]vk [Ethics and Moral]vk [Facts-About-Engineering]vk [ferro cement]vk [first]vk [FlOW-NET]vk [FLUID MECHANICS]vk [FOUNDATION]vk [Frog]vk [Geo-technical-engineering]vk [Glass]vk [good]vk [HEART]vk [high]vk [High density concrete]vk [HIGHWAY ENGINEERING]vk [hydration]vk [Hydraulic jump]vk [important notes]vk [Instruments and Tools]vk [Iron]vk [Irrigation]vk [isochrones]vk [Job Updates & Opportunities]vk [lime]vk [Local shear failure]vk [low]vk [management]vk [mason]vk [Masonry]vk [maturity of concrete]vk [MCQ]vk [medium]vk [Mild steel]vk [mortar]vk [Optimum Compaction]vk [paint]vk [pig]vk [Plastering]vk [plastic]vk [Plasticizers]vk [prime]vk [problem]vk [Project Management]vk [properties]vk [Question-Answer]vk [quick lime]vk [Quick Revision]vk [Quick-Revision]vk [Rankine Theory]vk [RCC]vk [Recommended]vk [Reinforced Concrete Construction]vk [resection]vk [retarder]vk [RING]vk [rock]vk [scope]vk [seasoning]vk [second]vk [Self compacted]vk [sensitivity]vk [SHAKES]vk [Shear center]vk [shear strenght]vk [slope deflection method]vk [Soil exploration and Boring]vk [SOIL MECHANICS]vk [Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy]vk [SOM]vk [Stability of Slope]vk [STAR]vk [steel]vk [Steel Engineering]vk [stiffeners]vk [stone]vk [Strength of Material]vk [Structural Steel Design]vk [structure analysis]vk [Subjects]vk [surveying]vk [syphon]vk [tack]vk [temperature]vk [templates]vk [Terzaghi Theory]vk [Test]vk [Tests]vk [third]vk [TILES]vk [timber]vk [tpes]vk [TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING]vk [Tunnel]vk [Types of flow]vk [valuation]vk [value]vk [vee bee]vk [Wall]vk [wastage]vk [Water Supply]vk [Weld]vk [westergaard theory]vk [workability]vk
[Job Updates & Opportunities]vk


abstract (1) accelerators (1) admixtrure (2) Aggregate (2) agrregate test (1) aquifer (1) Batten (1) beam (1) Bitumen (2) Bolt (1) Booster (4) Boussinesq theory (1) Brick (2) Bricks (5) Bricks Study (1) Building Materials (21) canal (2) cast (1) cement (7) CIVIL ENGINEERING (29) Civil engineering amazing (4) Civil engineering amazing projects (1) class (1) coat (1) concrete (8) Concrete Technology (6) construction management (2) Contra-flexure (1) Cost (1) Coulombs Theory (1) Critical Flow (1) Cseb (1) csphcl exam previous year papers and admit cards (1) docks and harbour (1) elastic (1) Electrical and Electronics (3) electronics (3) Engineer's-Knowledge (5) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (5) Ese Civil 2023 questions (2) estimate (1) Ethics and Moral (1) Facts-About-Engineering (2) ferro cement (1) first (1) FlOW-NET (1) FLUID MECHANICS (5) FOUNDATION (1) Frog (1) Geo-technical-engineering (1) Glass (1) good (1) HEART (1) high (1) High density concrete (1) HIGHWAY ENGINEERING (1) hydration (1) Hydraulic jump (1) important notes (1) Instruments and Tools (2) Iron (1) Irrigation (3) isochrones (1) Job Updates & Opportunities (15) lime (5) Local shear failure (1) low (1) management (5) mason (1) Masonry (1) maturity of concrete (1) MCQ (16) medium (1) Mild steel (1) mortar (2) Optimum Compaction (1) paint (5) pig (1) Plastering (1) plastic (1) Plasticizers (1) prime (1) problem (1) Project Management (1) properties (1) Question-Answer (32) quick lime (1) Quick Revision (3) Quick-Revision (2) Rankine Theory (1) RCC (5) Recommended (1) Reinforced Concrete Construction (1) resection (1) retarder (1) RING (1) rock (2) scope (1) seasoning (2) second (1) Self compacted (1) sensitivity (2) SHAKES (1) Shear center (1) shear strenght (1) slope deflection method (1) Soil exploration and Boring (1) SOIL MECHANICS (13) Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy (1) SOM (3) Stability of Slope (1) STAR (1) steel (3) Steel Engineering (2) stiffeners (1) stone (4) Strength of Material (9) Structural Steel Design (3) structure analysis (2) Subjects (2) surveying (9) syphon (1) tack (1) temperature (1) templates (2) Terzaghi Theory (1) Test (1) Tests (3) third (1) TILES (1) timber (5) tpes (1) TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (3) Tunnel (1) Types of flow (1) valuation (1) value (1) vee bee (1) Wall (1) wastage (1) Water Supply (2) Weld (1) westergaard theory (1) workability (3)