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Building Materials- MCQ on Plastic and tiles

MCQ about Plastic and tiles Which of the following plastic is recommended for manufacturing floor tiles? Alkyd Cumarone-indene Styrene Vinyl...

MCQ about Plastic and tiles

Which of the following plastic is recommended for manufacturing floor tiles?

  • Alkyd
  • Cumarone-indene
  • Styrene
  • Vinyl

Ring shakes in timber are:

Longitudinal separations in the wood between the annual rings


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MCQ about Crushing strength of good stone The crushing strength (MPa) of good stone used for construction of a building must not be less tha...

MCQ about Crushing strength of good stone

The crushing strength (MPa) of good stone used for construction of a building must not be less than

  • 10
  • 50
  • 100
  • 120

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Self Compacted Concrete MCQ For self-compacted concrete water/powder ratio by volume should be 0.80 to 1.0  1.2 to 1.4 0.6 to 0.8 1.0 to 1.2...

Self Compacted Concrete MCQ

For self-compacted concrete water/powder ratio by volume should be

  • 0.80 to 1.0 
  • 1.2 to 1.4
  • 0.6 to 0.8
  • 1.0 to 1.2


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Hydration of Portland Cement CORRECT decreasing order of rate of hydration of Portland cement compounds C3A C4AF C3 S C2 S solution C4A...

Hydration of Portland Cement

CORRECT decreasing order of rate of hydration of Portland cement compounds

  • C3A
  • C4AF
  • C3 S
  • C2 S

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MCQ about Bricks Which of the following is the main reason to provide frog in the bricks? Print manufacturer’s name. Form keyed joint betwee...

MCQ about Bricks

Which of the following is the main reason to provide frog in the bricks?

  1. Print manufacturer’s name.
  2. Form keyed joint between brick and mortar.
  3. Improve thermal insulation
  4. Reduce the weight of brick.


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Advantages of Seasoning of timber - Building Material

 Seasoning of Timer MCQ   following  statements are true or false:           Seasoning of timber results in: 1 Increased strength 2. Increas...

 Seasoning of Timer MCQ

 following  statements are true or false:

        Seasoning of timber results in:
  • 1 Increased strength
  • 2. Increased durability
  • 3. Reduced resilience


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 Cement and its type mcq   Identify the correct statements. i. Expanding cement is used for filling the cracks ii. White cement is mostly us...

 Cement and its type mcq

  Identify the correct statements.

  • i. Expanding cement is used for filling the cracks
  • ii. White cement is mostly used for decorative works
  • iii. Portland Pozzolana cement produces less heat of hydration
  • iv. High strength Portland cement is produced from the special materials

Cubical aggregate has maximum strength in concrete as it has good packing and strength in all direction.

Rounded aggregate is not suitable for concrete.

Flaky means have less thickness, elongated means having more length. These aggregate can be easily crushed and having a minimum strength.


Generally, in normal concrete loads are taken by aggregates only and cement acts as a binder, therefore, a normal concrete can have maximum strength till the aggregates are not broken.
If the aggregates fail under a load before failure of cement sand matrix. The concrete produced with that aggregates will not achieve the desired strength.
So using flaky and elongated aggregates might lead to failure of concrete and hence should be avoided.

Classification of aggregates on basis of shape –

Rounded aggregates / spherical - Rounded aggregates result the minimum percentage of voids (32 – 33%) hence gives more workability. They require lesser amount of water-cement ratio. They are not considered for high strength concrete because of poor interlocking behaviour and weak bond strength.
Irregular or partly rounded aggregates - Irregular aggregates may result 35- 37% of voids. These will give lesser workability when compared to rounded aggregates.

Angular aggregates -

 Angular aggregates result maximum percentage of voids (38-45%) hence gives less workability

Flaky aggregates - 

When the aggregate thickness is small when compared with width and length of that aggregate it is said to be flaky aggregate. Or in the other, when the least dimension of aggregate is less than the 60% of its mean dimension then it is said to be flaky aggregate.

Elongated aggregates -

 When the length of aggregate is larger than the other two dimensions then it is called elongated aggregate or the length of aggregate is greater than 180% of its mean dimension.

Flaky and elongated aggregates -

 When the aggregate length is larger than its width and width is larger than its thickness then it is said to be flaky and elongated aggregates. The above 3 types of aggregates are not suitable for concrete mixing

Important Point:

Split tensile strength(fct) = 0.66 × Modulus of Rupture
Due to the difficulty in applying uniaxial tension to a concrete specimen, the tensile strength is determined by indirect methods.
It is the standard test to determine the tensile strength of concrete indirectly as per IS: 5816-1970
A standard test cylinder of a concrete specimen of 300 mm × 150 mm diameter is placed horizontally between the loading surfaces of the compression testing machine.
The compression load is applied diametrically and uniformly along the length of the cylinder until the failure of the cylinder along vertical diameter.

Modulus of rupture:

It is a measure of the tensile strength of concrete beams or slabs.

Flexure strength of concrete is determined as a modulus of rupture. Flexural strength of concrete/ Bending tensile strength of concrete/Modulus of rupture of concrete (fcr) is given by, 

fcr   =   0.7×√fck  

Compressive strength of concrete:

It is determined by the compressive strength test on a standard 150 mm concrete cube in a compressive testing machine as per IS 516: 1959. The test specimens are generally tested after 28 days of casting and continuous curing.

In USA standard cylinder of height to diameter ratio of 2 is taken.  (150 mm diameter, 300 mm height) for determining.

It is observed that the Cube strength of concrete is nearly 1.25 times the cylinder strength.

∴ Split tensile strength <Modulus of rupture < Cylinder strength < Cube strength

2P/Ï€DL < 0.7 √fck < Cylinderstrength <fck

1. Pith : It is the inner most part of tree consist of cellular tissue which is used for nourishment of tree in young age.

2. Sapwood : It is outer annual rings between heartwood and cambium layers. It is the living, outermost portion of a woody stem or branch.

3. Heartwood : It is the dead, inner wood, which often comprises the majority of a stem's cross-section.

4. Cambium Layer : It is a thin layer of sap between sapwood and inner bark.

A good building stone has the following properties:

Percentage of wear in the attrition test should not be more than 3
Specific gravity should be at least 2.7
Coefficient of hardness should be greater than 17
Percentage of water absorption by weight of stone should be less than 5
Toughness index should not be less than 13
Crushing strength should be greater than 100 N/mm2

Chemical composition: The various tests are carried out to determine the chemical constituents of cement. Following are the chemical requirements of ordinary cement as per IS: 269- 1998:

Ratio of percentage of alumina to that of iron oxide: This ratio should not be less than 0.66.
Ratio of percentage of lime to those of alumina, iron oxide, and silica: This ratio is known as the lime saturation factor (LSF) and it should not be less than 0.66 and it should not be greater than 1.02, when calculated by the following formula:
Total loss on ignition: This should not be greater than 4 percent.
Total sulphur content-The sulphur content is calculated as SO3 and it should not be greater than 2.75%.
Weight of insoluble residue-This should not be greater than 1.5%.
Weight of magnesia-This should not exceed 5%.

As per IS 12269: 2013, the loss on ignition for OPC 53 should not be greater than 4%. 

As per IS 8112: 2013, the loss on ignition for OPC 43 & 33 should not be greater than 5%.

Colored cement:

Colored pigment is manufactured by mixing of color pigments (5-10 %) with OPC.

The pigment is mixed in a finest powdered state.

The main modern white hiding pigment is Titanium dioxide. Zinc oxide is a weaker white pigment with some important usages.

Some pigments are toxic, such as those used in lead paint. Paint manufacturers replaced lead white with a less toxic substitute, which can even be used to colour food titanium white (titanium dioxide).

Portland slag cement:

This cement is prepared by mixing granulated blast furnace slag, hard burnt gypsum, and cement clinkers in suitable proportions.
This cement offer:
The heat of hydration of Portland slag cement is lower than OPC. Therefore, this cement can be used in mass concreting.
Higher resistance against the attack of chlorides and sulfate.
Better refinement of pore structure.
Higher water tightness. so this cement can be used in the marine structures. 
​Rapid hardening cement:

It is the type of cement that developed a higher rate of gain of strength and must not be confused with quick setting cement which only set quickly.
The cement attains the strength at the age of 3 days equivalent to that attained by OPC in 7 days.
This Higher strength in the initial stage is attributed to the higher fineness of the cement and increases the proportion of C3S (specific surface area should not be less than 3250 cm2/gm and C3S is approximate 56%).
Pre-fabricated construction
Cold weather concreting
Emergency repair work
Pavement construction
High alumina cement:

 This cement is obtained by fusing a mixture, in suitable proportions, of alumina and calcareous materials and grinding the resultant product to a fine powder. The raw material used for the manufacture of high alumina cement is limestone and bauxite.
The proportion of alumina in the cement must not less than 32% and the ratio of the percentage of alumina to that of lime is in the range of 0.85 to 1.3.
The cement offers a higher initial setting time (3.5 hours) and a lower final setting time (5 hours), hence more time is available to work with the cement along with speedy construction.
The cement can also resist high temperatures.
It can resist the action of acid up to a greater extent.
It also offers a higher rate of gain of strength. 

When Water and Cement mix, heat is generated. This process is known as Hydration.

Hydration is a chemical reaction in which the major compounds in cement form chemical bonds with water molecules and become hydrates or hydration products.

Major compounds of cement clinker (also known as Bogues compounds) are:

Tricalcium aluminate (C3A): Celite is the quickest one to react when the water is added to the cement. It is responsible for the flash setting. The increase of this content will help in the manufacture of Quick Setting Cement. The heat of hydration is 865 J/Cal.

Tricalcium silicate (C3S): This is also called as Alite. This is also responsible for the early strength of the concrete. The cement that has more C­­­­3S content is good for cold weather concreting. The heat of hydration is 500 J/Cal.

Dicalcium Silicate (C2S): This compound will undergo reaction slowly. It is responsible for the progressive strength of concrete. This is also called as Belite. The heat of hydration is 260 J/Cal.

Tetra calcium Alumino ferrite (C4AF): This is called as Felite. The heat of hydration is 420 J/Cal. It has the poorest cementing value but it responsible for long term gain of strength of the cement.

Non-destructive Tests

Non-destructive tests are used to ascertain the quality of hardened concrete (strength, durability, elastic properties), generally following test are characterized as non-destructive test are:

1. Schmidt Rebound hammer test

2. Ultrasonic Pulse velocity test

3. Penetration method

4. Pull out Test method

5. Radioactive and nuclear test method

Destructive Test

In the case of destructive tests, the concrete specimens (cube, cylinder, etc) are loaded till destruction in the laboratory, and strength properties are determined from the tests. The following test are characterized as destructive test are:

1. Compressive strength

2. Tensile strength

Splitting tensile test
Modulus of rupture test
3. Bond strength 

Different type of strength of timber:

Compressive strength:

The compressive strength is found to be the highest when acting parallel to the axis of growth.
The compressive strength perpendicular to the fibers of wood is much lower than that parallel to fibers of the wood. 

Tensile strength:​

Tensile strength along a direction parallel to the grains is found to have the greatest strength that can be developed under any kind of stress.
Tensile strength parallel to fibers is of the order 80.0 to 190.0 N/cm2.
Shearing strength:

Resistance to shear in across direction is found 3 to 4 times greater than that along fibers.
 The shear strength along the fiber is found of the order 6.5 to 14.5 N/mm2. 

The strength of timber is the highest parallel to the grains and minimum perpendicular to grains.


The wood that is going to use for the building. The structure of the wood is:


The innermost central portion or core of the tree is called the pith or medulla.
As the plant becomes old, the pith dies up and decays.
Sap Wood:

Outer annual rings between the heartwood and cambium layer are the sapwood.
It is light in color and weight.
It takes an active part in the growth of the trees.
It does not impart any strength.
Cambium Layer:

A thin layer of sap in between the sapwood and inner bark is referred to as the cambium layer.
It indicates the portion of the sap which is yet to be converted into the sapwood.

The Outer protective layer or covering provided around the cambium layer is referred as bark.

Bulking of Sand:

The increase in the volume of sand due to an increase in moisture content is known as the bulking of sand. A film of water is created around the sand particles which forces the particles to get aside from each other and thus the volume is increased.

The increase in moisture in sand increases the volume of sand. The volume increase in dry sand is known as the bulking of sand. Bulking of sand depends on the quantity of moisture in the sand and also the size of the particles. Five to eight percent of the increase in moisture in the sand can increase the volume of sand up to 20 to 40 percent. Again the finer the sand is more will be the increase in volume and the increase in volume will be relatively less for coarser sand.

So, From the figure, We can say that With an increase in moisture content, the bulking of sand First increases to a certain maximum value and then decreases.

Fineness modulus of an aggregate is an indicator of the mean size of particles. The coarser the particle, the higher the fineness modulus.

Type of Sand Fineness Modulus Range
Fine Sand 2.2 – 2.6
Medium Sand 2.6 – 2.9
Coarse Sand 2.9 – 3.2


The resin is a natural or synthetic compound that begins in a highly viscous state and hardens with treatment
Many different kinds of resins may be used to create a varnish
Natural resins used for varnish include amber, kauri gum, dammar, copal, rosin, sandarac, balsam, elemi, mastic, and shellac
Varnish may also be created from synthetic resins such as acrylic, alkyd, or polyurethane
Typically, it is soluble in alcohol, but not in the water
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Vee - Bee Consistometer

It is the method used to determine the workability of very dry mixes with low workability.
It measures the time required for complete remoulding of concrete in seconds after placed in the mould with a slump cone.
It is expressed in seconds.

As slump increases,  Vee - bee time decreases, and the compaction factor increases as it becomes easier for concrete to flow.

The degree of workability in Vee - Bee test is classified based on the time taken in seconds as shown below:

Degree of workability Vee - Bee degree (seconds)
Extremely low > 20 
Very low 12 - 20
Low 6 - 12
Medium 3 - 6
High 0 - 3 

Pointing is the finishing of the joints in brick masonry using either cement mortar (1 (cement): 3 (sand)) or lime mortar (1 (fat lime): 2 (sand)). 

Facing is an outer layer or coating applied to a surface like brick wall for protection or decorative purpose.

Guinting is the process of repairing the already damaged concrete surface. In this method, cement is mixed with sand in 1: 3 or any other specified proportion and this mixture is applied over damaged concrete surface with a cement gun under some pressure.  By doing so, a highly impervious surface is achieved.

Plastering is the process of covering rough walls and uneven surfaces in with a material, called plaster, which is a mixture of lime or cement and sand along with the required quantity of water.


It is a whitish coloured powdered deposition of salts on the concrete surface that is formed due to evaporation of water from the concrete.
It is caused when water soluble salts are present in the concrete material, which comes on to the surface while evaporation of water from the concrete.
These salts are sulphate and carbonate salts of calcium and sodium and can come from bricks, cement, aggregates, water, or admixtures.
 The following water soluble salts are generally leads to efflorescence:

Calcium Sulphate (CaSO4), Sodium Sulphate (Na2SO4), Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3), Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3), etc.

∴   Sulphates and carbonates of sodium, and calcium leads to efflorescence, but not due to those of iron.


Quarrying is the process of removing the rock, sand, gravel or other minerals from the ground in order to use them to produce materials for construction or other uses.

Natural bed of stone is the plane along which stone can easily be split. It thus indicates the plane or bed on which the sedimentary stone was originally deposited.

Dressing of Stone is the working of quarried stone into the shape and size required for use. This can be necessary as stones obtained from quarrying generally do not have the exact required dimensions or finish.

Seasoning of stone means to expose the stone in the open air for a period of 6 to 12 months. It removes quarry sap and makes the stone-hard and compact.

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 Shear strength of Timber mcq The strength of any timber is highest in direction of an angle of 60 degree to grains an angle of 0 degree to ...

 Shear strength of Timber mcq

The strength of any timber is highest in direction of

  • an angle of 60 degree to grains
  • an angle of 0 degree to grains
  • an angle of 90 degree to grains
  • an angle of 120 degree to grains

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The calcination of pure lime result in:- quick lime hydraulic lime hydrated lime fat lime solution Quick Lime ; Calcination or calcining...

The calcination of pure lime result in:-

  • quick lime
  • hydraulic lime
  • hydrated lime
  • fat lime

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Admixtures for concrete                  Sodium carbonates in deionised water accelerates the initial as well as final setting times whereas...

Admixtures for concrete

             Sodium carbonates in deionised water accelerates the initial as well as final setting times whereas the other compound sodium bicarbonates retards the initial and final setting times in all concentrations. Sodium carbonates and sodium bicarbonates in deionised water decrease the compressive and tensile strength of concrete specimens significantly at 28 days and 90 days.

Important points:

The two most popular type of admixture added in concrete are as follows:


         It is added in concrete in order to delay the chemical process of hydration so as to keep the concrete plastic and workable for longer duration in comparison to the concrete without retarder.
Example: Calcium Sulphate, Sugar, starch, cellulose etc.


    It is used to increase the rate of gain of strength in the concrete.These admixtures find their application in cold weather concreting, pre - fabricated concrete construction, emergency road repair work and where formwork is to be reused for speedy construction.

Example: calcium chloride, silicates, Fluorosilicates, Triethanolamine etc.

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The impurity of mixing water which affects the setting time and strength of concrete is _____. sodium sulphates sodium chlorides sodium carb...

The impurity of mixing water which affects the setting time and strength of concrete is _____.

  1. sodium sulphates
  2. sodium chlorides
  3. sodium carbonates and bicarbonates
  4. calcium chlorides

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Brick Clay bricks are classified as first-class, second class, third class and fourth class based on their physical and mechanical propertie...


Clay bricks are classified as first-class, second class, third class and fourth class based on their physical and mechanical properties.

First Class Bricks:

1. These are thoroughly burnt and are of deep red, cherry or copper color.
2. The surface should be smooth and rectangular, with parallel, sharp and straight edges and square comers.
3. These should be free from flaws, cracks, and stones.
4. These should have a uniform texture.
5. No impression should be left on the brick when a scratch is made by a fingernail.
6. The fractured surface of the brick should not show lumps of lime.
7. A metallic or ringing sound should come when two bricks are struck against each other.
8. Water absorption should be 20% of its dry weight when immersed in cold water for 24 hours.
9. The crushing strength of the brick should not be less than 10 N/mm2. This limit varies with different Government organizations around the country.
Uses: First class bricks are recommended for pointing, exposed face work in masonry structures, flooring and reinforced brickwork.

Second Class Bricks are supposed to have the same requirements as the first-class ones except that

1. Small cracks and distortions are permitted.

2. A little higher water absorption of about 22% of its dry weight is allowed.

3. The crushing strength should not be less than 7.0 N/mm2.

Uses: Second class bricks are recommended for all important or unimportant hidden masonry works and centering of reinforced brick and reinforced cement concrete (RCC) structures.

Third Class Bricks are under burnt. They are soft and light-colored producing a dull sound when struck against each other. Water absorption is about 25 percent of dry weight.

Uses: It is used for building temporary structures.

Fourth Class Bricks are over burnt and badly distorted in shape and size and are brittle in nature.

Uses: The ballast of such bricks is used for foundation and floors in lime concrete and road metal.

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Ferro cement and Its Properties Introduction Impervious nature Capacity to resist shock No need of formwork Strength per unit mass is high F...

Ferro cement and Its Properties


  • Impervious nature
  • Capacity to resist shock
  • No need of formwork
  • Strength per unit mass is high
  • Ferro cement developed by P.L. Nervi, an Italian architect, and engineer, in 1940. It consists of closely spaced wire meshes which are impregnated with rich cement mortar mix.
  • The wire mesh is usually of 0.5 to 1.0 mm diameter wire at 5 mm to 10 mm spacing and cement mortar is of the cement-sand ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3 with water/cement ratio of 0.4 to 0.45.
  • The ferro cement elements are usually of the order of 2 to 3 cm in thickness with 2 to 3 mm external cover to the reinforcement. The steel content varies between 300 kg to 500 kg per cubic meter of mortar.
  • The basic idea behind this material is that concrete can undergo large strains in the neighbourhood of the reinforcement and the magnitude of strains depends on the distribution and subdivision of reinforcement throughout the mass of concrete.
  • It is impervious in nature, has the capacity to resist shock and no formwork is required to gain initial strength.
  • The main advantages are the simplicity of its construction, a lesser dead weight of the elements due to their small thickness, its high tensile strength, fewer crack widths compared to conventional concrete, easy repairability, noncorrosive nature and easier mouldability to any required shape.


In-depth Knowledge of Ferro-cement 


Ferrocement is a construction material that consists of a combination of cement mortar and a mesh of metal, usually steel, which can be used to create thin-section structures. 

 Here are some key points about ferrocement:

  1. Composition:

    • Ferrocement is composed of a mortar mix (cement, sand, and water) reinforced with layers of mesh or metal.
    • The mesh used in ferrocement is typically made of metal, such as steel, and is carefully arranged to form a strong and durable structure.
  2. Applications:

    • Ferrocement is versatile and can be used in various construction applications, including boat building, water tanks, pipes, roofs, and even sculptural elements.
    • Its ability to form thin and complex shapes makes it suitable for applications where traditional materials might be less practical.
  3. Advantages:

    • Ferrocement structures are known for their strength and durability.
    • They are relatively lightweight compared to traditional concrete structures.
    • The construction process allows for intricate shapes and designs.
    • Ferrocement structures can be more resistant to cracking than conventional concrete due to the distributed reinforcement.
  4. Construction Process:

    • The construction of ferrocement involves layering the mesh and applying cement mortar.
    • The layers are built up gradually, with each layer allowing for the incorporation of the reinforcement into the structure.
    • Proper curing is essential to achieve the desired strength and durability.
  5. Uses in Water-related Structures:

    • Ferrocement is commonly used in the construction of water tanks, boats, and even swimming pools.
    • Its ability to resist corrosion makes it suitable for applications involving water exposure.
  6. Challenges:

    • Quality control in construction is crucial to ensure uniform thickness and proper bonding between the mortar and reinforcement.
    • Proper curing and workmanship are essential to achieving the desired structural integrity.

Ferrocement offers a unique set of properties that can be advantageous in specific applications, and its use requires careful consideration of the intended structure and appropriate construction techniques. If you have more specific questions or if there's a particular aspect of ferrocement you'd like to ask further in comment section, feel free to ask!


Worldwide use of Ferro-cement

While ferrocement is not as widely used as some other construction materials in large-scale structures, it has found application in various projects around the world. Here are a few examples:

Pleasure Island Boats (Italy):

In Venice, Italy, ferrocement has been used in the construction of some boats navigating the city's canals. These boats are known for their lightweight construction and durability, which are important qualities for navigating the narrow waterways of Venice.

Ferrocement Yachts:

Ferrocement has been used in the construction of yachts and small boats. The material's versatility and ability to create complex shapes make it suitable for designing lightweight yet strong hulls for water vessels.

Ferrocement Water Tanks:

Ferrocement is commonly used in the construction of water tanks, especially in regions where there is a need for reliable and cost-effective water storage. The material's resistance to corrosion makes it suitable for such applications.

Boat Hulls and Marine Structures:

Ferrocement has been employed in the construction of boat hulls and other marine structures due to its ability to resist corrosion in a saltwater environment. While not as prevalent as other materials, it has been used in certain niche applications.

It's important to note that ferrocement, while offering advantages in specific situations, is not as commonly used in large-scale structures as materials like reinforced concrete. The examples mentioned typically involve smaller-scale applications where ferrocement's unique properties, such as its ability to form complex shapes and resistance to corrosion, are particularly beneficial.


Some additional key points

Here are some additional key points that may contribute to a deeper understanding of ferrocement:

  1. Thin-Section Construction:

    • One of the defining characteristics of ferrocement is its ability to create thin-section structures. This is achieved by using a relatively small thickness of mortar reinforced with a mesh. The thin sections contribute to the material's flexibility and versatility.
  2. Flexibility and Shaping:

    • Ferrocement allows for the construction of structures with intricate shapes and curves. This is particularly advantageous in applications such as boat building, where streamlined and customized designs are often desired.
  3. Reinforcement Mesh Types:

    • Various types of mesh can be used as reinforcement in ferrocement, including chicken wire, hexagonal wire mesh, and woven steel mesh. The choice of mesh depends on the specific requirements of the project.
  4. Construction Techniques:

    • The construction process typically involves layering the reinforcement mesh and applying mortar to each layer. The layers are built up gradually, with attention to proper compaction and bonding between layers to ensure structural integrity.
  5. Corrosion Resistance:

    • Ferrocement exhibits good resistance to corrosion, making it suitable for applications in marine environments and water-related structures. This property is attributed to the protective alkaline environment created by the cement.
  6. Applications in Developing Countries:

    • Ferrocement has been explored as a cost-effective building material in developing countries. Its affordability, ease of construction, and durability make it a potential solution for housing, water storage, and other infrastructure needs.
  7. Research and Advancements:

    • Ongoing research and advancements in materials science continue to explore ways to enhance the properties of ferrocement, including improving its strength, durability, and crack resistance.
  8. Combination with Other Materials:

    • In some cases, ferrocement is used in combination with other materials to create hybrid structures that leverage the benefits of both. For example, combining ferrocement with foam insulation can result in lightweight yet sturdy panels.

    Energy Efficiency:

  • The relatively low thermal mass of ferrocement can contribute to energy efficiency in buildings. It may respond quickly to temperature changes, potentially reducing the need for extensive heating or cooling.


Remember that ferrocement, while offering unique advantages, is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Its suitability depends on the specific requirements of the project, and proper construction practices are essential to realizing its full potential.



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13. Density of high-density concrete is about ________ 2400 kg/m3 2750 kg/m3 3000 kg/m3 3360 kg/m3 solution   3360 kg/m3. The density of...

13. Density of high-density concrete is about ________

  1. 2400 kg/m3
  2. 2750 kg/m3
  3. 3000 kg/m3
  4. 3360 kg/m3


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12. The test most suitable for concrete of very low workability is  Permeability test Compaction factor test Vee bee test Compression test ...

12. The test most suitable for concrete of very low workability is 

  • Permeability test
  • Compaction factor test
  • Vee bee test
  • Compression test 

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 Workability of concrete           The ease and homogeneity with which a freshly prepared concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and fini...

 Workability of concrete

  •         The ease and homogeneity with which a freshly prepared concrete can be mixed, placed, compacted and finished are called workability.
  •         For low workability concrete, the most suitable test is either Vee-bee Consistometer test or the Compaction factor test.
  •         Of which, Vee bee consistometer is adopted for concrete with even lower workability as compared to that for compaction factor test.

 Important Points:

  • For highly workable concrete, the most suitable test is a flow table test.

  • For medium workable concrete, the slump cone test is favorable.

  • J-Ring Test is conducted to check whether the given concrete sample is self-compacting concrete or not.

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1.Distemper is a type of  Oil Paint Plastic Paint Water Paint Enamel Paint solution1 Water Paint 2.The paint used for automobi...

1.Distemper is a type of 

  1. Oil Paint
  2. Plastic Paint
  3. Water Paint
  4. Enamel Paint

2.The paint used for automobiles is 

  1. Oil Paint
  2. Plastic Paint
  3. Water Paint
  4. Enamel Paint

3.Linseed oil is used as

  1. Vehicle
  2. Base
  3. Thinner
  4. Drier


15 More MCQ abouts Paint building materials

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11. Slate belong to Igneous rock Sedimentary rock Foliated rock Metamorphic rock      solution Metamorphic rock Previous           ...

11.Slate belong to

  • Igneous rock
  • Sedimentary rock
  • Foliated rock
  • Metamorphic rock

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10. The quantity of drier in paints is limited to ______ 2% 4% 6% 8%      solution 8% hello 11. The ingredient of paint that inc...
10. The quantity of drier in paints is limited to ______






11. The ingredient of paint that increases coverage area and makes application easy is______

  1. Base
  2. Vehicle
  3. Solvent
  4. filler


12. The ingredient of paint that reduces the cost and increases durability______

  1. Base
  2. Vehicle
  3. Solvent
  4. filler


13. The cheap ingredient of Paint is______

  1. Base
  2. Vehicle
  3. Solvent
  4. filler


14. The presence of dampness while applying the primer affects the life of ______

  1. Oil Paint
  2. enamel Paint
  3. aluminium Paint
  4. Plastic Paint


15. Commonly used base for paint is
  • (a) iron oxide
  • (b) red lead
  • (c) titanium white
  • (d) any one of the above


16. Commonly used vehicle in paint is
(a) linseed oil
(b) poppy oil
(c) nut oil
(d) any one of the above


17.  Commonly used solvent in paint is
(a) white lead
(b) turpentine
(c) linseed oil
(d) any of the above


18. Commonly used inert extenders used in paint is
(a) magnesia
(b) alumina
(c) charcoal
(d) any one of the above


19. Enamel paint is prepared by adding white lead or zinc to
(a) varnish
(b) polysterene
(c) spirit
(d) to any one of the above


20. The surface of which paint can be cleaned by washing with water?
(a) oil paint
(b) enamel paint
(c) emulsion paint
(d) bituminous paint

Emulsion Paint

21. The paint which shines and is visible even in darkness is
(a) synthetic rubber paint
(b) cellulose paint
(c) aluminium paint
(d) emulsion paint

aluminium paint

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    9. What is the full form of PVCN with respect to paint? Pigment Volume Concentration Number Paint Volume Concentration Number Paint Volu...

    9.What is the full form of PVCN with respect to paint?

  • Pigment Volume Concentration Number
  • Paint Volume Concentration Number
  • Paint Volume Carbon Number
  • Pigment Volume Carbon Number


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8.Which one of the following tests, is used to test aggregate for its abrasion resistance? Deval attrition test Dorry abrasion test Los Ange...

8.Which one of the following tests, is used to test aggregate for its abrasion resistance?

  1. Deval attrition test
  2. Dorry abrasion test
  3. Los Angeles test
  4. All option are correct


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7. If a beam or column becomes weak or found to be insufficient, the most effective way to increase its strength is by Choose answer ...

7. If a beam or column becomes weak or found to be insufficient, the most effective way to increase its strength is by

Choose answer

 Plate Bonding
 Micro concreting

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6. The penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its Choose  answer  Grade  Ductility ...

6. The penetration test on bitumen is used for determining its

Choose  answer

 None of these

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abstract (1) accelerators (1) admixtrure (2) Aggregate (2) agrregate test (1) aquifer (1) Batten (1) beam (1) Bitumen (2) Bolt (1) Booster (4) Boussinesq theory (1) Brick (2) Bricks (5) Bricks Study (1) Building Materials (21) canal (2) cast (1) cement (7) CIVIL ENGINEERING (29) Civil engineering amazing (4) Civil engineering amazing projects (1) class (1) coat (1) concrete (8) Concrete Technology (6) construction management (2) Contra-flexure (1) Cost (1) Coulombs Theory (1) Critical Flow (1) Cseb (1) csphcl exam previous year papers and admit cards (1) docks and harbour (1) elastic (1) Electrical and Electronics (3) electronics (3) Engineer's-Knowledge (5) ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (5) Ese Civil 2023 questions (2) estimate (1) Ethics and Moral (1) Facts-About-Engineering (2) ferro cement (1) first (1) FlOW-NET (1) FLUID MECHANICS (5) FOUNDATION (1) Frog (1) Geo-technical-engineering (1) Glass (1) good (1) HEART (1) high (1) High density concrete (1) HIGHWAY ENGINEERING (1) hydration (1) Hydraulic jump (1) important notes (1) Instruments and Tools (2) Iron (1) Irrigation (3) isochrones (1) Job Updates & Opportunities (15) lime (5) Local shear failure (1) low (1) management (5) mason (1) Masonry (1) maturity of concrete (1) MCQ (16) medium (1) Mild steel (1) mortar (2) Optimum Compaction (1) paint (5) pig (1) Plastering (1) plastic (1) Plasticizers (1) prime (1) problem (1) Project Management (1) properties (1) Question-Answer (32) quick lime (1) Quick Revision (3) Quick-Revision (2) Rankine Theory (1) RCC (5) Recommended (1) Reinforced Concrete Construction (1) resection (1) retarder (1) RING (1) rock (2) scope (1) seasoning (2) second (1) Self compacted (1) sensitivity (2) SHAKES (1) Shear center (1) shear strenght (1) slope deflection method (1) Soil exploration and Boring (1) SOIL MECHANICS (13) Soil Structure and Clay Mineralogy (1) SOM (3) Stability of Slope (1) STAR (1) steel (3) Steel Engineering (2) stiffeners (1) stone (4) Strength of Material (9) Structural Steel Design (3) structure analysis (2) Subjects (2) surveying (9) syphon (1) tack (1) temperature (1) templates (2) Terzaghi Theory (1) Test (1) Tests (3) third (1) TILES (1) timber (5) tpes (1) TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (3) Tunnel (1) Types of flow (1) valuation (1) value (1) vee bee (1) Wall (1) wastage (1) Water Supply (2) Weld (1) westergaard theory (1) workability (3)