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Advantages of Seasoning of timber - Building Material
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Seasoning of Timer MCQ
following statements are true or false:
Seasoning of timber results in:
1 Increased strength
2. Increased durability
3. Reduced resilience
all of correct : Three most important advantages of seasoning have already been made apparent:
1. Seasoned timber lasts much longer than unseasoned. i.e. durability Since the decay of timber is due to the attacks of wood-destroying fungi, and since the most important condition of the growth of these fungi is water, anything which lessens the amount of water in wood aids in its preservation.
2. Seasoning increases the strength of the timber.
3. In the case of treated timber, seasoning before treatment greatly increases the effectiveness of the ordinary methods of treatment, and seasoning after treatment prevents the rapid leaching out of the salts introduced to preserve the timber.
4. The saving in freight where timber is shipped from one place to another.
5. The resilience which the ability to store the stress-energy per unit volume reduces after seasoning.
Your Guide to get Civil Engineering Degree in Chhattisgarh Introduction Admission Related Guide for Students who want to Study Engineering To pursue a B.Tech in Civil Engineering in Chhattisgarh, you must first complete your 12th standard with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. After that, you need to appear for the Chhattisgarh Pre-Engineering Test (CGPET) conducted by the Chhattisgarh Professional Examination Board (Vyapam). If you secure a good rank in the CGPET, especially under 2000, you have a high chance of getting admission to one of the three government engineering colleges in Chhattisgarh: GEC Raipur, GEC Bilaspur, or GEC Jagdalpur. You'll need to choose your preferred college during the counseling process after the CGPET results are declared. Regarding fees, government engineering colleges are relatively affordable. For general category students, the annual fee is around ₹22,000. However, students from reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC) can avail scholarships, reducing ...
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Admixtures Functions Typical compounds Application Disadvantages Accelerating admixtures or accelerators More rapid gain of strength or higher early strength. More rapid setting. Calcium chloride Calcium formate Triethanolamine (TEA) Soluble inorganic salts Sodium nitrite Sodium sulphate Sodium aluminate Sodium silicate 1. Normal rate of strength development at low temperature. 2. To counter retarding effects 3. Shorter stripping times. 4. Plugging of pressure leaks. 5. Sprayed concreting. 1. Possible cracking due to heat evolution. 2. Possibility of corrosion of embedded effects reinforcement. Retarding admixtures or retarders Delayed setting Soluble carbohydrate derivatives: starch Hydroxylated carboxylic acids, Inorganic retarders Sugars 1. Maintain workability at high temperatures. 2. Reduce rate of heat evolution...
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