Table of Contents

Building with Lime: 
Past, Present, and Potential, Types and Properties


It is an important binding material used in building construction. Lime has been used as the material of construction from ancient time. When it is mixed with sand it provides lime mortar and when mixed with sand and coarse aggregate, it forms lime concrete. 

Lime is a versatile material that finds applications in various fields, including construction, agriculture, and chemistry. There are two primary types of lime: quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2). Let's explore some aspects of lime:


  • Quicklime (CaO): Produced by heating limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) at high temperatures (typically around 900–1000°C) in a process known as calcination.
  • Hydrated Lime (Ca(OH)2): Produced by treating quicklime with water.


  • Construction: Lime has been traditionally used in construction for various purposes, such as mortar and plaster. It reacts with carbon dioxide in the air and slowly turns back into calcium carbonate, resulting in a durable and stable material.

  • Soil Stabilization: Lime is used to stabilize soil in construction projects, improving its engineering properties and reducing plasticity.

  • Water Treatment: Hydrated lime is often used in water treatment processes to adjust pH levels and precipitate impurities.

  • Agriculture: Agricultural lime (usually in the form of crushed limestone) is added to soil to neutralize acidity, providing essential nutrients for plant growth.

  • Chemical Industry: Lime is used in various chemical processes, including the production of calcium-based chemicals and as a reactant in industrial processes.

Chemical Properties:

  • Quicklime is highly reactive and exothermic when it reacts with water, producing heat.
  • Hydrated lime is a dry powder that results from the chemical transformation of quicklime in the presence of water.

Safety Considerations:

  • Quicklime is caustic and can cause burns. Proper safety measures, including protective equipment, should be used when handling it.

It's important to note that the application and properties of lime can vary based on the specific type of lime used and the intended use.


Types of Limes and their Properties 

The limes are classified as fat lime, hydraulic lime and poor lime: 

(i) Fat lime: 

It is composed of 95 percentage of calcium oxide. When water is added, it slakes vigorously and its volume increases to 2 to 2.5 times. It is white in colour. 

Its properties are:

  • (a) hardens slowly 
  • (b) has high degree of plasticity 
  • (c) sets slowly in the presence of air 
  • (d) white in colour 
  • (e) slakes vigorously. 

(ii) Hydraulic lime: 

It contains clay and ferrous oxide. Depending upon the percentage of clay present, the hydraulic lime is divided into the following three types: 
  • (a) Feebly hydraulic lime (5 to 10% clay content) 
  • (b) Moderately hydraulic lime (11 to 20% clay content) 
  • (c) Eminently hydraulic lime (21 to 30% clay content) 

The properties of hydraulic limes are: 

  • • Sets under water
  • • Colour is not perfectly white 
  • • Forms a thin paste with water and do not dissolve in water. 
  • • Its binding property improves if its fine powder is mixed with sand and kept in the form of heap for a week, before using. 

(iii) Poor lime: 

It contains more than 30% clay. Its colour is muddy. It has poor binding property. The mortar made with such lime is used for inferior works. 

IS 712-1973 classifies lime as class A, B, C, D and E. 


Class A Lime: 

It is predominently hydraulic lime. It is normally supplied as hydrated lime and is commonly used for structural works. 

Class B Lime: 

It contains both hydraulic lime and fat lime. It is supplied as hydrated lime or as quick lime. It is used for making mortar for masonry works. 

Class C Lime: 

It is predominently fat lime, supplied both as quick lime and fat lime. It is used for finishing coat in plastering and for white washing. 

Class D Lime: 

This lime contains large quantity of magnesium oxide and is similar to fat lime. This is also commonly used for white washing and for finishing coat in plastering. 

Class E Lime: 

It is an impure lime stone, known as kankar. It is available in modular and block form. It is supplied as hydrated lime. It is commonly used for masonry mortar

Structure where  Lime is Used

One of the most iconic and well-known structures that extensively used lime as a binding material is the Roman Pantheon. The Pantheon is an ancient temple located in Rome, Italy, and is renowned for its architectural and engineering marvel.

The Pantheon:

  1. Construction Period:

    • The Pantheon was commissioned during the reign of Emperor Hadrian in 118–128 AD. However, the original structure on the site was built by Marcus Agrippa around 27 BC and later rebuilt by Emperor Hadrian.
  2. Architectural Features:

    • The Pantheon is known for its remarkable dome, which was the largest unreinforced concrete dome in the world for many centuries.
    • The dome has a central oculus (circular opening) at the top, allowing natural light to enter the interior.
  3. Use of Lime in Construction:

    • Lime played a crucial role in the construction of the Pantheon. The Romans used a type of mortar known as pozzolana mortar, which consisted of lime, volcanic ash (pozzolana), and water.
    • Pozzolana mortar is highly durable and has excellent hydraulic properties. The addition of pozzolana allowed the Romans to create concrete that could set underwater and gain strength over time.
  4. Concrete Construction:

    • The Pantheon's dome is made of concrete, and the Romans employed a method of constructing concrete using a mixture of lime, pozzolana, and aggregates such as crushed volcanic rock and bricks.
    • The use of this concrete allowed for the creation of large and stable structures, and the Pantheon's dome is a testament to the engineering expertise of the Romans.
  5. Durability and Longevity:

    • The Pantheon stands as a testament to the durability of Roman concrete and lime-based mortar. Despite its age, the structure has survived earthquakes and the test of time.
  6. Symbolic Importance:

    • The Pantheon has been repurposed over the centuries and is now a Christian church (Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres). Its conversion contributed to its preservation.

The Pantheon remains an architectural marvel, and the use of lime-based materials in its construction highlights the ingenuity of ancient Roman engineers. The properties of lime and the technology used in structures like the Pantheon have influenced construction practices throughout history


Historical Use of Lime

Lime has a rich history dating back thousands of years, and its use has evolved over time. Here's a brief overview of the history of lime:

  1. Ancient Uses:

    • The use of lime can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The Egyptians used a form of lime for various construction purposes, and evidence suggests that lime mortars were used in the construction of the pyramids.
    • The Greeks and Romans also extensively used lime-based materials in their construction projects. The Romans, in particular, developed advanced techniques for producing lime and pozzolana-based concrete, as seen in structures like the Pantheon.
  2. Middle Ages:

    • The knowledge of lime production and use continued into the Middle Ages. Medieval builders in Europe used lime mortar for constructing cathedrals, castles, and other structures.
    • Lime kilns, used to produce quicklime by heating limestone, became more widespread during this period.
  3. Renaissance and Early Modern Period:

    • The Renaissance saw a revival of interest in classical architecture, and the use of lime continued to be prominent. The development of lime-based plasters and finishes contributed to the aesthetic aspects of buildings during this period.
  4. 18th and 19th Centuries:

    • The Industrial Revolution brought about advancements in lime production. Lime kilns became more efficient, and the demand for lime in construction, agriculture, and industry increased.
    • Lime was a key component in mortar for brick construction during the 19th century, contributing to the growth of urban areas.
  5. 20th Century:

    • Portland cement, an alternative to lime-based mortars, gained popularity in the construction industry during the 20th century. However, lime continued to be used in heritage restoration and conservation projects due to its compatibility with historic structures.
  6. Contemporary Uses:

    • Today, lime is still utilized in various industries. In construction, lime is employed for mortar, plaster, and soil stabilization. It remains an essential material in the restoration of historic buildings.
    • Agricultural lime, which is crushed limestone or dolomite, is used to neutralize soil acidity and improve crop yields.

Throughout history, lime has played a crucial role in the development of architectural and construction practices. Its enduring popularity is attributed to its versatility, durability, and compatibility with a wide range of materials. The historical use of lime in iconic structures highlights its significance in the built environment.


Chemical Constituents of Lime

Lime is a general term that refers to a range of calcium-containing inorganic materials. The two primary types of lime are quicklime (calcium oxide, CaO) and hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2). Let's delve into the constituents of each:

  1. Quicklime (Calcium Oxide, CaO):

    • Chemical Formula: CaO
    • Production: Quicklime is produced by heating limestone (calcium carbonate, CaCO3) in a lime kiln at high temperatures (typically around 900–1000°C) in a process known as calcination.
    • Properties:
      • Quicklime is a white, crystalline solid at room temperature.
      • It is highly reactive with water, producing heat in an exothermic reaction.
      • When quicklime reacts with water, it forms hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide).
  2. Hydrated Lime (Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2):

    • Chemical Formula: Ca(OH)2
    • Production: Hydrated lime is produced by adding water to quicklime. This process is known as slaking or hydration.
    • Properties:
      • Hydrated lime is a dry, fine powder.
      • It is less reactive than quicklime but still exhibits some reactivity with water.
      • The chemical reaction between quicklime and water results in the formation of calcium hydroxide.
  3. Pozzolana (Optional Constituent in Lime-Based Materials):

    • Definition: Pozzolana refers to siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials that, in themselves, possess little or no cementitious value but will, in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to form compounds possessing cementitious properties.
    • Examples: Volcanic ash, fly ash, and certain natural clays are examples of pozzolanic materials.
    • Use: Pozzolanic materials are often added to lime-based materials, like mortars and concretes, to enhance their properties, such as setting time and strength.

The chemical reactions involved in the production of lime and its subsequent use in construction involve the transformation of calcium carbonate into calcium oxide and, eventually, into calcium hydroxide. These reactions are fundamental to the functionality and versatility of lime-based materials in various applications, from traditional mortar and plaster to more advanced construction techniques.


Clay and Lime Reactivity

The presence of clay in Lime Affect:

The presence of clay in lime can significantly influence the properties and performance of lime-based materials. While lime is often used in construction for its binding and stabilizing properties, the addition of clay can affect various aspects, such as workability, strength, and durability. Here are some effects of the presence of clay in lime:

  1. Workability:

    • Positive Aspect: Small amounts of clay can enhance the workability of lime mortars. Clay acts as a plasticizer, making the mix more malleable and easier to work with.
    • Negative Aspect: Excessive clay content can lead to poor workability, making the lime mix difficult to handle and apply.
  2. Setting Time:

    • Positive Aspect: Clay can contribute to the setting and hardening of lime-based materials by promoting pozzolanic reactions. Pozzolanic reactions involve the combination of lime with silica and alumina in the clay, forming compounds with cementitious properties.
    • Negative Aspect: Excessive clay content may lead to delayed setting times, affecting the construction schedule. It's crucial to find the right balance to achieve a reasonable setting time.
  3. Strength:

    • Positive Aspect: The addition of clay can enhance the strength of lime-based materials. Pozzolanic reactions contribute to the development of additional cementitious compounds, improving the overall strength and durability.
    • Negative Aspect: Very high clay content may lead to a reduction in strength and durability, as excessive amounts of clay can disrupt the formation of a well-structured matrix.
  4. Durability:

    • Positive Aspect: Properly proportioned clay content can improve the durability of lime-based materials, making them more resistant to weathering and environmental factors.
    • Negative Aspect: Excessive clay content can lead to poor durability, as it may result in shrinkage, cracking, and reduced resistance to freeze-thaw cycles.
  5. Compatibility:

    • Positive Aspect: Clay can improve the compatibility of lime with certain aggregates, providing a more cohesive mix.
    • Negative Aspect: Incompatibility issues may arise if the clay content is too high, leading to segregation or poor adhesion with other materials.

In summary, the presence of clay in lime can have both positive and negative effects on properties depending on the proportion and the specific application. It requires careful consideration and proper mixing to achieve the desired balance between workability, strength, and durability. Engineers and builders often conduct tests and evaluations to determine the optimal clay content for a given lime-based material in order to achieve the desired performance.


Contact of Lime and Hardened Concrete:

When lime comes into contact with hardened concrete, it can lead to a phenomenon known as delayed ettringite formation (DEF). Ettringite is a crystalline compound that forms as part of the cement hydration process. However, when lime is introduced to hardened concrete under certain conditions, it can react with existing constituents and cause DEF. Here's an explanation of the process and its potential negative effects on hardened concrete:

Delayed Ettringite Formation (DEF):

  1. Reaction Mechanism:

    • In the presence of moisture and elevated temperatures, lime can react with tricalcium aluminate (C3A) in the cementitious matrix.
    • This reaction forms ettringite crystals, which expand as they grow.
  2. Negative Effects on Hardened Concrete:

    • Expansion and Cracking: The formation of ettringite crystals can lead to the expansion of concrete. This expansion, if significant, may cause internal stresses and cracking within the concrete. Cracking is a critical concern as it can compromise the structural integrity and durability of the concrete.

    • Reduced Strength and Durability: The expansion associated with delayed ettringite formation can result in a decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete. Additionally, the cracking induced by the expansion may allow harmful substances such as water, chlorides, and other aggressive agents to penetrate the concrete, reducing its long-term durability.

    • Aesthetic Issues: Cracking and expansion due to DEF can also lead to aesthetic concerns, impacting the appearance of the concrete surface.

    • Structural Concerns: In severe cases, the internal stresses and cracking caused by delayed ettringite formation may compromise the overall structural performance of the concrete.

  3. Conditions Favoring DEF:

    • DEF is more likely to occur under specific conditions, including high temperatures during the curing period, elevated moisture levels, and the presence of reactive aggregates.
    • The use of high-lime-content materials or the introduction of lime after concrete has hardened can contribute to the risk of DEF.
  4. Prevention and Mitigation:

    • To minimize the risk of DEF, it's essential to control the mix design, curing conditions, and the quality of materials used in concrete construction.
    • The careful selection of cement types, aggregates, and admixtures can help mitigate the potential negative effects of lime on hardened concrete.

In summary, the interaction of lime with hardened concrete leading to delayed ettringite formation poses challenges in terms of expansion, cracking, and potential reductions in strength and durability. As such, it is crucial to follow good concrete practices, consider material compatibility, and carefully control mix proportions to minimize the risk of DEF and its associated negative effects.

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