
Showing posts from November, 2021

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Limiting Moment of Resistance of a RCC Beam

The limiting Moment of Resistance of a RCC Beam is given as: M u,lim  = 0.362Bf ck  X u,lim  (d-0.42 X u,Lim ) Where symbols have their usual meaning Further, the X u,lim /d ratio depends on grade of steel being used, which is referred from the below table: Grade of Steel X u,lim /d Fe 250 0.53 Fe 400 0.48 Fe 500 0.46 Development Length of Steel bar in RCC Development length: (i) The calculated tension or compression in any bar at any section shall be developed on each side of the section by an appropriate development length or end anchorage or a combination thereof. ϕ = Diameter of bar τbd = Design bond stress = Permissible value of average bond stress The value of bond stress is increased by 60% for a deformed bar in tension and a further increase of 25% is made for bars in compression. In case of bundled bars  in contact the development length is increased than that for in...

Moisture Contents of Soil

Field Capacity: It is the amount of water that remains in the soil after all the excess water at saturation has been drained out. when sandy soils are allowed to drain for approximately 24 hours after saturation, field capacity is reached. Saturation Capacity: It is the soil water content where all soil pores are filled with water and water readily percolates or drains out from the root zone by gravitational force. The metric suction at this condition is almost zero and it is equal to the free water surface. Permanent Wilting Point: Permanent wilting point is considered as the lower limit of available soil moisture. At this stage, water is held tightly by the soil particles that the plant roots can no longer obtain enough water to satisfy the transpiration requirements; and remain wilted unless the moisture is replenished. Readily available moisture:  Readily available moisture is that portion of available moisture that can be most readily extracted by plants....

Types of Flow in Open Channels - Critical flow - Civil Engineering

Types of Flow in Open Channels Depending upon the change in depth of the fl ow with respect to space and time, open channel flows can be classified as follows. 1. Steady and unsteady flow When the discharge rate is constant, the flow is a steady flow. The sectional areas at diff erent sections may be different. So mean velocity of fl ow at diff erent sections may also be diff erent 2. Uniform and non-uniform or varied flow When depth of flow is same at all sections, the flow is a uniform flow. This means that velocity is same at all sections. Water surface is parallel to bed in this case. In a non-uniform flow, depth of section and mean velocity is different at different sections. Water surface is not parallel to bed in non-uniform flows. A non-uniform or varied flow can be: 1. Rapidly varied flow (RVF) 2. Gradually varied flow (GVF) 3. Laminar flow and turbulent flow The laminar motion of fluid is characterised by the motion in layers (i.e., laminar), parallel to the boundary surface....

Types of Shear Failure in foundation

Types of Shear Failure 1. General shear failure: It occurs in dense sand or stiff clay. A heave on the sides is always observed in general  shear failure. The failure surfaces extend up to the ground level. 2. Local Shear Failure   It occurs in medium-dense sand or on in clay of medium consistency. Failure surface extend to the ground surface after considerable vertical movement. A heave is observed only when there is a substantial vertical settlement Some characteristics of local shear failure are: 1. Failure is not sudden and there is no tilting of footing. 2. Failure surface does not reach the ground surface and slight bulging of soil around the footing is observed 3.  Failure surface is not well defined 4. Failure is progressive 5. In the load-settlement curve, there is no well-defined peak 6. Failure is characterized by considerable settlement directly beneath the foundation 7. Significant compression of soil below the footing and partial development of pl...
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