Table of Contents

Exploring Effective Batten Design for Structural Performance in Steel Columns Under IS 800: 2007

Information about battens

The term "batten" can refer to different items depending on the context:
  1. Construction and Carpentry: In construction, battens are narrow strips of wood or metal used primarily to create a fixed support for roofing tiles or siding. They are commonly used to hold roofing materials in place or to provide an air gap for insulation. In interior design, wooden battens might be used on walls or ceilings for aesthetic purposes or to hide joints.

  2. Sailing: In sailing, battens refer to stiff strips used in the sails of boats to help them maintain shape and improve performance. These are typically made from materials like fiberglass, plastic, or carbon fiber.

  3. Theater and Stage Design: In theater settings, battens are long pipes or beams from which lights, curtains, and scenery are hung. They can be flown (moved up and down) using a counterweight system or motorized winch.

  4. Agriculture: In agriculture, battens can be used in fencing. They are the vertical connectors placed between fence posts to secure fencing wires or mesh.


In the context of structural engineering and construction, battens related to columns and built-up sections refer to specific elements used to achieve certain structural properties or fulfill specific design requirements. Here’s a detailed look at how battens are used in these contexts:

Battens in Built-Up Columns

  1. Definition and Purpose:

    • Built-up columns consist of two or more structural members (usually steel sections like channels, I-beams, or plates) that are connected together to function as a single column. This combination is used to handle greater loads or moments than a single member alone could support.
    • Battens are used to connect these individual sections along the length of the column. The primary purpose of battens in built-up columns is to prevent the individual components from buckling outward under load. They help the components act together as a single unit.
  2. Design and Placement:

    • Battens are usually made from flat steel plates or angles and are spaced at intervals along the height of the column. The spacing and size of the battens are critical design considerations that depend on the loads, the slenderness of the individual components, and overall column height.
    • The design of batten spacing and size typically follows specific codes and standards (like AISC in the US), which provide guidelines to ensure stability and appropriate load distribution.

Examples and Applications

  • Steel Frameworks: In steel construction, built-up batten columns are commonly used in both commercial and industrial buildings where high load capacities are required.
  • Utility Poles and Bridges: Similar concepts are applied in the design of utility poles and certain types of bridge supports, though materials and specific design criteria might vary.

Engineering Considerations

  • Effective Length: The effective length of each segment between battens impacts the buckling behavior of the column. Shorter segments between battens can resist greater loads without buckling.
  • Connection Strength: The strength and type of connections (welds, bolts, etc.) used to attach the battens to the column components are crucial for the overall strength and performance of the column.
  • Material Efficiency: Using built-up columns with battens can be more material-efficient for certain loading and height scenarios, compared to using a single, larger column.

In summary, in the context of columns and built-up sections, battens play a crucial role in ensuring the structural integrity and efficiency of columns by connecting multiple components together and preventing lateral buckling under loads. This method allows engineers to tailor column properties to specific needs by adjusting batten spacing, size, and the sectional geometry of the components.


In the context of structural engineering, understanding the relationship between battens, shear forces, and bending moments is crucial when designing built-up columns or beams. Here’s how battens interact with these forces and moments, particularly in built-up beams, which might also apply conceptually to columns:

Battens in Built-Up Beams

  1. Purpose and Functionality:
    • Built-up beams, like built-up columns, consist of multiple structural members joined together to perform as a single structural element capable of carrying larger loads. Battens or lacing are used to connect these members securely.
    • Battens help maintain the alignment and spacing of the individual components and ensure that they work together to resist applied loads, including shear forces and bending moments.

Shear Forces

  • Shear force in a beam describes the internal force perpendicular to the axis of the beam that results from applied loads. Shear force varies along the length of the beam and is critical at points of load application and support points.
  • Role of Battens: In built-up beams, battens help distribute shear forces across the connected members, preventing them from acting independently. This distribution is crucial for the overall shear resistance of the beam. By effectively coupling the sections, battens ensure that shear is resisted collectively, enhancing the structural integrity of the beam.

Bending Moments

  • Bending moment refers to the internal moment that induces bending within the beam due to external loads. The bending moment also varies along the length of the beam, with maximum values typically occurring at fixed supports and under point loads.
  • Role of Battens: Battens play a significant role in the flexural stiffness of a beam. By securing the multiple sections together, battens help the beam act as a single unit with a higher moment of inertia than individual sections alone. This increased moment of inertia makes the beam more resistant to bending, thereby increasing its load-carrying capacity.

Design Considerations

  • Spacing and Size of Battens: The effectiveness of battens in distributing shear forces and supporting bending moments greatly depends on their spacing and size. Proper design ensures that battens are placed at intervals that prevent local buckling of individual components and enhance overall flexural and shear resistance.
  • Connection Details: The strength and type of connections (whether welded or bolted) used to attach battens to the beam components also affect the beam's ability to resist shear and bending. Strong connections prevent slippage and separation under load.

Practical Application

In engineering practice, the design of built-up beams with battens must consider various load scenarios, including dead loads (permanent or stationary loads), live loads (temporary or moving loads), and environmental loads (like wind or seismic activity). Each scenario can influence the shear forces and bending moments differently, dictating the arrangement and specification of battens for optimal performance.

In summary, battens are integral in built-up beams and columns, ensuring that these composite structures function effectively under shear forces and bending moments. The design of these elements, including the placement and specifications of battens, is crucial for the structural integrity and safety of buildings and other structures in civil engineering

In the context of built-up columns with battens, safety and structural integrity are of paramount importance. The number of battens used, their placement, and the design are guided by factors such as slenderness ratio, load characteristics, and column geometry. Understanding these elements is crucial to ensure the column can withstand applied loads without buckling or failing under pressure.

Slenderness Ratio

The slenderness ratio is a critical parameter in column design. It's defined as the effective length of the column divided by the least radius of gyration `(kL/r)`, where:
- k = an effective length factor, depending on end conditions
- L = unsupported length of the column
- r = radius of gyration of the column cross-section (which indicates the distribution of the cross-sectional area relative to an axis)

A higher slenderness ratio indicates a higher tendency to buckle. Thus, columns with higher slenderness ratios require more careful design considerations, including possibly more battens or closer spacing of battens, to prevent lateral buckling.

Bay Points and Batten Spacing

The bay points refer to the spaces between battens. According to structural engineering principles and codes (such as AISC – American Institute of Steel Construction):
- The maximum spacing of battens (bay length) should not exceed 16 times the least radius of gyration of the individual components making up the built-up column.
- The minimum number of batten rows is generally dictated by the slenderness ratio of the built-up member. For instance, AISC requires that for columns with a slenderness ratio greater than 50, there must be a minimum of three rows of battens. The minimum number of battens and their spacing can also depend on the design loading conditions and the overall height of the column.

Example Calculation

Consider a built-up column made from two channels back-to-back with a clear distance between the flanges. Suppose each channel has a radius of gyration about the minor axis of 0.85 inches. If the unsupported length of the column is 10 feet (120 inches), you would calculate the maximum batten spacing as follows:
- Calculate slenderness ratio of the component (single channel): `\( \text{Slenderness} = \frac{kL}{r} \)`, assume `\( k = 1 \)` for pinned-pinned conditions, so `\( \text{Slenderness} = \frac{120}{0.85} \approx 141 \)`.
- Maximum batten spacing would be` \( 16 \times r = 16 \times 0.85 = 13.6 \)` inches.

Safety and Compliance

- Compliance with Codes: Always ensure that the design follows local building codes and standards, which may specify additional requirements based on environmental factors, use of the building, and material properties.
- Design Review: It's often beneficial to have the design reviewed by a structural engineer, especially for structures with high loads or unusual configurations.

Practical Considerations

While theoretical calculations provide a basis, practical adjustments might be needed:
- Load Considerations: Consider both axial and lateral loads. Lateral loads can necessitate tighter batten spacing.
- Material and Fabrication: The type of connections (welded, bolted) and material quality can affect the overall performance of the battened column.

Using battens effectively enhances the stability of built-up columns, particularly against buckling under axial loads. Properly spacing and sizing battens according to structural guidelines and codes is crucial for ensuring the safety and durability of the structure.

In the context of the Indian Standard Code for the design of steel structures, the relevant specifications for the design and detailing of built-up columns with battens are primarily outlined in IS 800: 2007 (General Construction in Steel - Code of Practice). This code provides guidelines similar to other international standards but with specific provisions tailored to typical Indian construction practices and conditions.

Key Provisions from IS 800: 2007 Regarding Battens

1. Purpose of Battens: Battens in built-up columns are used to ensure that the individual steel sections behave as a single unit to resist applied loads. The battens prevent lateral buckling of the individual components of the column under compression.

2. Minimum Number of Battens: According to IS 800: 2007, battens should be designed to fulfill both spacing requirements and minimum quantity:

  • The code stipulates that there must be at least three bays (i.e., at least two battens) along the length of the column if it is composed of two channel sections placed back-to-back or in face-to-face condition.
  • Additionally, the code specifies the maximum allowable slenderness ratio for each segment between battens (not exceeding 50) to prevent buckling of the individual components.

3. Spacing of Battens: The code specifies that the distance between centers of battens, known as 'batten spacing', should not exceed 16 times the least radius of gyration of the individual components being connected, similar to other international standards. This spacing helps ensure stability and helps prevent individual components from buckling independently.

4. Design of Battens: Battens must be designed to resist shear forces and bending moments due to transverse loads that may be applied to the column. The IS 800 code specifies that:

  • Battens should be designed to carry a transverse shear force of at least 2.5% of the total axial load on the column. This requirement ensures that the battens are robust enough to distribute loads effectively between the different components of the built-up column.
  • The bending resistance and shear capacity of the battens should be checked based on the loads they are expected to carry.

5. Practical Considerations: When designing and detailing battens according to IS 800:

  • Ensure all connections (whether bolted or welded) are adequately designed to transfer the forces between the battens and the main components.
  • Consider the end conditions of the column, as these affect the effective length and the buckling resistance of the column.


The use of battens in built-up steel columns as per the Indian Standard IS 800: 2007 involves careful consideration of the number of battens, their spacing, and their structural capacity to ensure overall stability and performance. Following these guidelines helps ensure that the structure can withstand the intended loads without risk of buckling or excessive deformation, thereby maintaining safety and structural integrity


When designing battens for built-up steel columns, the connection details are crucial for ensuring the battens effectively transfer longitudinal shear forces and resist bending moments. The connections can be either bolted or welded, and each has its specific design considerations as prescribed by the Indian Standard Code IS 800: 2007.

Bolted Connections for Battens

  1. Design Considerations:

    • Shear Transfer: Bolted connections must be capable of transferring the required shear force between the battens and the main column elements. Typically, the design shear force for a batten is at least 2.5% of the axial load on the column.
    • Bolt Strength and Spacing: The bolts must be sized and spaced to handle the shear forces without exceeding the allowable shear stress. Bolt diameters and the grade of steel should be chosen based on the shear and tensile requirements. Spacing should avoid any potential for tearing or excessive deformation around the bolt holes.
    • Bearing and Tear-Out: The connection design must ensure that the bearing stress at the bolt holes does not exceed the permissible limits. Similarly, adequate edge and end distances must be maintained to prevent tear-out.
  2. Calculation Example:

    • If designing a batten to carry a shear of 37.5 kN (derived from 2.5% of a 1500 kN axial load), and using bolts with an allowable shear strength of 100 kN, you would require at least one bolt per connection point if the bolts are capable of carrying the shear load individually. Adequate safety factors must be included.

Welded Connections for Battens

  1. Design Considerations:

    • Shear and Moment Resistance: Welds must be designed to resist the shear forces and any bending moments acting on the battens. This typically involves calculating the required throat thickness of the fillet welds or the size of the full penetration welds, based on the forces to be transferred.
    • Weld Length and Size: The length and size of the welds should be sufficient to transfer the loads without failure. The design should follow the guidelines for minimum weld size and the effective throat of welds as specified in IS 800: 2007.
    • Weld Quality and Inspection: Given the critical nature of these connections, high-quality welding followed by appropriate inspection and testing is necessary to ensure the integrity of the welds.
  2. Calculation Example:

    • For the same batten needing to carry a shear of 37.5 kN, the design of the welds would consider the stress distribution along the weld length. Assume a permissible shear stress for the weld material (often around 0.3 times the yield strength of the base material), and determine the required effective throat thickness and length of the weld to safely transfer the shear force.

General Tips

  • Design Verification: Whether using bolted or welded connections, it is essential to verify the design through both analytical methods and, if necessary, testing. This ensures that the connections will perform as expected under load conditions.
  • Compliance with Codes: Ensure that all designs comply with the stipulations of IS 800: 2007, paying special attention to the requirements for bolted and welded connections, including the guidance on spacing, edge distances, weld types, sizes, and quality control.

By following these guidelines, engineers can ensure that battens in built-up columns are properly connected, whether through bolted or welded methods, to effectively transfer loads and maintain the structural integrity of the column under various loading conditions.


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